Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

How to make other people happy

One of the things that make us happy is to make other’s happy.

Whether it’s your colleagues at work, your friends, or your family. If you can bring some happiness to their life, you will be bringing happiness into your own life.

Here are three ideas to make the people around you happy.

Catch people doing the right thing

We spend a lot of time and effort to tell and to show other people what they are doing wrong. But, how about if we spend a few minutes telling them what they are doing right.

I belong to a club called Toastmasters, where members practice the art of public speaking. What I like to do is to tell them how much I appreciated their contribution. If I don’t get to tell them in person, I make it a point to write them an email. It works every time, they tell me how much they appreciate my comments.

At times someone puts a lot of effort writing their LinkedIn post. How about if you just reach out and say: “That was great.” You will make their day.

Show some gratitude

Take the time to show people your appreciation. Look at your colleague or your friends in the eyes and say “Thank you.”

Express your gratitude to the server, to the clerk, to your family. It will go a long way. People like to feel appreciated. If you show your gratitude, they will be delighted to help you with some future occasion.

Be a good listener

Think about the last time you felt heard.

Reflect on an occasion when you had something to say, something important or vulnerable to share, and you knew you had the full attention of the other person.

That level of attention, when you know the other person is really listening to you, makes you feel valued. It makes you feel safe, understood, and important. Being heard validates you.


If you make it a habit of catching people doing the right thing, showing some gratitude, and listening, you will make the people around you much happiness and you will become an ever more important person in their lives.

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