Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

How can Intermittent Fasting change my life?

I gained some weight over the winter

Winter is over!

As I start wearing fewer layers of clothing, I noticed that I have gained some weight.

How did that happened?

Slowly! One pound at the time.

There were two culprits:

  1. My refrigerator is only a few steps from my desk
  2. Because it was too cold, I stopped doing exercises.

I will try Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting

My friend Raja fasted for 9 days. He inspired me to do something about my weight.

Sure, I don’t have the will power and determination to do a several-day fast. but I can try intermittent fasting.

Intermittent fasting is the process of fasting for at least 12 hours every day. In theory, your cells feed out of the fat (stored energy) of your body instead of a regular meal. Little by little, this would lead to weight loss.

The good ol’ times as hunter-gatherers

We, humans, have been walking the earth for about 200,000 years. At the beginnings, there were no refrigerators nor supermarkets. We hunted and gathered our food.

When one of the members of the tribe killed an animal, everyone ate as much as they could, because they never knew how long it would be before the next meal. To go a couple of days without eating was not out of the ordinary.

We are dying out of obesity

I have read in several places, that for every one person who dies of hunger, 3 people are dying of obesity. We are suffering an epidemic of over consumptions. Calories are readily available to us all the time, in high quantities. Whether it is sugars or fat, we just consume it because our bodies crave it and because it’s available.

My plan to lose weight

So here it is, my plan to lose all the extra weight I gained during the winter.

  1. Eliminate all sugars
  2. Eliminate all processed foods
  3. Eat smaller portions
  4. Practice intermittent fasting of 12 hours
  5. Daily light exercise
  6. Drink more water
  7. Sleep 8 hours per night

Why is being been in good health is important for business?

About 70% of all our sicknesses come from our lifestyle.

  • Not sleeping enough
  • Eating processed foods
  • Eating too much
  • Smoking
  • Drinking
  • Doing other harmful drugs
  • Not exercising

If we could just make some slight changes to our diet, to hour sleeping patterns, and to our exercise regime, we can maintain a higher level of energy, we can live longer, and we can live happier lives.

And you?

Have you ever thought of intermittent fasting? are you exercising regularly? eating properly? Sleeping enough? Please leave your comment in the comment session.

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7 responses to “How can Intermittent Fasting change my life?”

  1. […] Losing weight is good for business and for life. Have you tried Intermittent Fasting? […]

  2. […] Losing weight is good for business and for life. Have you tried Intermittent Fasting? […]

  3. […] Losing weight is good for business and for life. Have you tried Intermittent Fasting? […]

  4. […] Losing weight is good for business and for life. Have you tried Intermittent Fasting? […]

  5. […] it, then it’s going to work out very well, and it’s great if you’re just starting out in business because it helps you get clients very […]

  6. […] Losing weight is good for business and for life. Have you tried Intermittent Fasting? […]

  7. […] Losing weight is good for business and for life. Have you tied Intermittent Fasting? […]