Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Category: Personal Finance

  • Top five ways to be unreliable in business and in life

    Top five ways to be unreliable in business and in life

    Everyone is talking about how to be successful in business, but today I want to talk about one of the major causes of failure in business which is to be unreliable. And there you have it. Please write in the comments if you know of any other ways to be unreliable in business and life.…

  • Are you a freelancer or an entrepreneur

    Are you a freelancer or an entrepreneur

    What’s the difference between a freelancer and an entrepreneur? We are about to find out. A freelancer gets paid when they work. An entrepreneur creates a business and gets paid while they sleep. A freelancer could be a graphic artist, a bricklayer, a voice actor, an accountant, or a surgeon. They do the work with…

  • What’s your freedom number?

    What’s your freedom number?

    I always wanted to be completely free, like most people, and I have been constantly working for it, the old fashion way; working, saving, working some more, saving some more. What I want is to have enough capital: I am not asking for much. My freedom number for the moment, is one million dollars. At…

  • What You Can Do to Start Feeling Some Financial Peace in Your Life

    What You Can Do to Start Feeling Some Financial Peace in Your Life

    It’s really scary to think about, but it seems as if the rich get to stay rich, and the poor are getting poorer. With inflation over the last few years, the rise in rent, the unrealistic expectations for getting a mortgage, high-interest rates, and so on just make things challenging. It’s terrifying because everything is…

  • The rich pretends to be poor, and the poor pretends to be rich

    The rich pretends to be poor, and the poor pretends to be rich

    “The rich stay rich by pretending to be poor, and the poor stay poor by pretending to be rich.” I have seen this quote in so many places that I don’t know who to attribute it to. The original Bible quote goes something like this: “One person pretends to be rich, yet has nothing; another…

  • We have to stop exchanging time for money

    We have to stop exchanging time for money

    If we don’t work hard to break free from the trap of exchanging time for money, five years later, we will find ourselves in the same position, blaming the government, blaming society, blaming capitalism, but still poor. We can only stop being poor when we look ourselves in the mirror and say, “I take full…