Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Pink pig bank

What You Can Do to Start Feeling Some Financial Peace in Your Life

It’s really scary to think about, but it seems as if the rich get to stay rich, and the poor are getting poorer. With inflation over the last few years, the rise in rent, the unrealistic expectations for getting a mortgage, high-interest rates, and so on just make things challenging. It’s terrifying because everything is going up in price, but only the poor truly get to be the ones to suffer. In general, having to just deal with navigating the complexities of personal finances can be a significant source of stress for many individuals. 

Whether it’s managing debt, budgeting, or dealing with unexpected expenses, the burden of financial stress can take a toll on both mental and physical well-being. It’s not right; it really isn’t. But it’s so important for this not to dictate your life. With that said, here are some practical steps to help you stop being so stressed out with your finances and regain a sense of control over your economic life. Most of this might be easier said than done, and everyone has a different financial situation that they’re in, so take this advice with a grain of salt.

You Need to Face the Numbers First

You have to keep in mind that ignorance is not bliss when it comes to finances. This might be super uncomfortable and maybe even scary to think about, but the first step to alleviate stress is to confront your financial situation head-on. So you’ll need to just go ahead and create a comprehensive overview of your income, expenses, debts, and savings. 

You need to consider EVERYTHING that you spend money on, and that includes a rough estimate for holidays and special occasions, too. So, with that said, knowing the numbers allows you to develop a realistic plan and take proactive steps toward financial stability. 

Practice Mindful Spending

There might be a high chance that you’ve been doing this. But in case you haven’t or don’t know what this means, it’s that mindful spending involves aligning your expenses with your values and priorities. So, before making a purchase, ask yourself if it contributes to your overall well-being and financial goals.

Think of that Marie Kondo method for a moment; will this purchase spark joy? Also, sales keep you financially struggling, so even if something like clothes or a certain brand of clothing is up for sale, you need to keep in mind that you most likely aren’t benefiting from these sales. With that said, cutting unnecessary expenses and focusing on meaningful spending can help you regain control over your financial life.

What Can You Cut Out?

So, this isn’t just about slimming down on costs like using less energy, doing some alternatives for groceries, or even removing luxuries like streaming. This is also about selling what you don’t need or what you could live without.  Are there things in your house that you could get rid of? If you have jewelry you never wear, you could consider cash for gold. But on top of that, maybe you have clothes, electronics, or even furniture that you could live without. This gives you a bit of extra money, which would really help.