Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Want To Feel Inspired? Here Are Some Of The Things To Try

When it comes to life and how we feel, it is always a good idea to try and find inspiration around us and in our lives. Inspiration can be found everywhere, however, we often need to be proactive to find the inspiration we need in different aspects of our lives. So where should you look? With that in mind, here are some of the things you can consider to help you feel inspired. 

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Positive affirmations

When it comes to our lives, we all want to feel confident and sometimes the things that we say to ourselves can have a positive impact on that. People daily will recite affirmations to themselves. This might be the opinion they want about being a strong and powerful individual, or it could be an affirmation for what you want out of life. The more you tell yourself the things you want to hear and believe, the more your mind will be focused on achieving it. Try and find some positive affirmations that resonate with you and see for yourself. 


Social media is great for inspiration, so why not use visual platforms like Instagram to seek out some inspiration? Instagram is full of positive quotes, people who have a particular lifestyle and also people sharing things like home decor, their careers or even their parenting styles. It is a great place to feel inspired and it could help you to visually see what you want for yourself. 

Articles about inspirational people

Maybe you like to read about things and success stories and there will always be articles written about inspirational people or their achievements in different fields. You could read up about how Richard Branson started his empire, how Steve Jobs created Apple or even the Bollywood star Shahrukh Khan lifestyle and how he achieved greatness. The more you read about different people, the more inspired you might feel to make some changes in your life and to go for those achievements yourself. 


Everyone has a blog these days, but these can be extremely inspiring if you find the right ones that resonate with you. There is a blog for anything and everything right now, so you are bound to find something that inspires you. A blog can help you to take on tips to make some changes yourself, and often to read about peoples real life experiences can help you in many ways in your life. A blog can be an inspiring read and often the small snippets of articles can be a great way to help you get sudden bursts of inspiration. 

Friends and family 

Finally, who can forget that your friends and family can be your biggest inspiration. They may have already done some of the things that you aspire to do yourself. Or maybe you just find them inspirational because of their past experiences. The more you reach out and talk to your friends and family, the more inspired you might feel. 

Let’s hope that these suggestions help you to feel inspired in your day to day life.