Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

064 Travis Jones building a $10 million fitness business

  • Travis Jones started his career as an athlete
  • Travis JonesBecame a personal trainer
  • Decided to open his first gym, Results-Based Training
  • Asked 52 people to help with financing, until one person said yes
  • Got his gym equipment on credit
  • Slept in the gym because he didn’t have money to pay for rent for his own apartment
  • Created a clientele by talking to people in the streets
  • After the success of his first gym went on to open 20 more gyms
  • Together with wife, Liv Jones, established their cutting-edge coaching business, Think Tank
  • Created a digital marketing agency to promote his gyms, then expanded to help other entrepreneurs
Other highlights from our conversation

People don’t make sacrifices for their dreams because:

  1. It may not be a passion for them; they are just out to make a quick buck.
  2. They don’t truly believe they will be successful.

According to Travis Jones, the secret of entrepreneurship is delay gratification.

Entrepreneurship is sexy but 96% of businesses fail.

Entrepreneurship is:

  1. Loving what you do.
  2. Serving a market place.
  3. You have to find the problems in your market place and become a solution provider.
  4. It’s not “overnight  success.”

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