Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Computer screen with code on display

Planning A Software Launch? Read This First

Launching new software is a great way to generate revenue fast, but it rarely goes to plan, particularly if you rush it.  Failure to take care of all the bugs and glitches puts people off and means that you’re fighting an uphill battle from the start. 

If you’re planning to launch software in the next few months, you’ll want to complete the following steps first. 

Step 1: Try A Soft Launch

Businesses throughout the economy use soft launches to iron out kinks and deal with potential issues before they affect the wider public. Restaurants, for example, will often open to a select clientele to make sure that their processes are working as they hope. 

As a software developer, you can do the same. Try limiting initial sales to low-risk customers who will be willing to provide you with feedback. Perhaps offer a discount or a trial period and explain that the product is still in testing and that you will release it to the wider public once you’re happy with how it looks. 

Step 2: Flesh Out Your Communication Plan

It can be challenging to communicate the benefits of esoteric software with the general public or even the business community. Solutions are often niche, sophisticated, and have unclear ROI. 

To help get the message out about your products, you’ll want to do the following: 

  • Create presentations and sales pitches that succinctly explain the value your product offers. 
  • Prepare a variety of press releases with quotes discussing what you’re doing and how it helps people
  • Create briefing for company executives so that they understand the talking points and what the product offers. 
  • Prepare all your sales sheets so that reps can explain the value proposition if prospects ask

Step 3: Automate Your Testing

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Manually going through millions of lines of code looking for errors is inefficient and expensive. However, using AI-powered software to do it is much more affordable. 

According to Testim reviews — a code checker that uses the power of machine learning — the results are impressive. Developers can often flag hundreds of high-priority errors in the code and fix them before the software even enters beta. 

Step 4: Train Your People

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Before you launch a new software product, you’ll also need to train all your people. Training your sales reps is critical, but other members of the team will also require support. 

If you can go behind the sales team and reach out to the product and marketing team. Make sure that they understand the key pain points that the software addresses. Get them to internalize the rationale behind the software and what about it makes it so valuable. 

Step 5: Execute

The last step, of course, is to deliver services with precision. Pick a day and then announce the arrival of your new software with a fanfare for maximum impact. 

Write a press release at the same time, covering all of the necessary facts and details about the product. And consider including keywords that can help with SEO. If you can, collect quotes from company executives and then use these to drive the story.