Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Painless Ways to Cut Business Costs

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Cutting business costs is often necessary, but that doesn’t mean it has to be painless! Below, you will find some very simple ways to save money and ensure that your business is not only streamlined but also as financially successful as it is possible to be.

Go paperless

If your business hasn’t already gone paperless, you’re definitely behind the curve. Not only can you save a lot of money on paper and printing ink when you do this, but you can also save time because digital files are much easier to store, access, and put into the order than paper versions. When it comes to saving money painlessly, this really is the simplest thing you can do.

Use WordPress

A lot of business owners think that they need to spend a fortune on the most expensive custom websites built from the bottom up if they are to impress their customers and make a splash online, but that really is not the case. If you want to save money, build your website with WordPress. It’s really easy and intuitive to use so you can build your website yourself, however, a good WordPress developer is often worth spending money on as they will be able to come up with an affordable custom solution that, once it’s up and running, should be easy for you to maintain. 

Outsource your bookkeeping

You could be forgiven for thinking that outsourcing your bookkeeping practices to a third-party would cost you more money rather than save it, but that’s not the case. When you outsource this vital business function, you can ensure that it’s in the hands of a professional who won’t make any expensive mistakes, and who will know all of the (legal) tips and tricks to lower your company’s tax burden. Basically, if you find a good freelancer, they’ll soon pay for themself!

Pay on time

If you pay your business invoices on time, you won’t end up forking out for late payment charges, and you may even benefit from discounts if you pay early, so get organized and never miss a payment date!

Keep less stock

The more stock you keep in your inventory, the more space you will need to keep it and the more capital you’ll have sunk into idle products. Get yourself some decent inventory management software and not only will you save money and require less space, but you’ll be far more organized and productive too.

Stop traveling

Recent events have shown us that it’s perfectly possible to conduct successful meetings, conferences and events remotely using tools like Zoom, so if you do a lot of international business, you could easily save a whole lot of time and money by moving these kinds of events online instead of traveling to them.

Hire freelancers

Hiring freelancers for jobs that are important but that don’t necessarily require daily input, such as graphic design, copywriting and software development, will easily enable you to save thousands of dollars while still benefitting from a whole lot of knowledge and expertise – what’s not to love?

So, what are you waiting for? Time to start saving!