Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

No one owes you Anything You have to Earn it

Nobody owes you anything, not their business, nor their friendship; you have to earn it

As an entrepreneur, it’s important to understand that nobody owes you anything. Success in business often depends on creating a product or service that people want, on the relationships you build along the way, and on your endurance to stay in business long enough to see it succeed. Many times you have a good idea, a good product, but it takes time for your business to take off. It’s like a flywheel; at the beginning, you put a lot of effort and get very little in return, but over time, you can get a lot in return with very little effort.

My friend Cheryl is building a business as an English as a second language teacher. I think she is a fantastic teacher who offers a good service for a fair price, but not too many people know about her services yet, so now her endurance is being tested.

I am trying to build a YouTube channel. There is a lot of learning to do and at this moment, my endurance is also being tested.

Don’t take rejections personally; sometimes rejections comes from factors beyond our control, our clients could be facing economic downturns, they may be dealing with personal struggles, or they could have psychological barriers. We can’t take those rejections personally. Millions of successful entrepreneurs were rejected at first, like J. K. Rowling, the author of Harry Potter, who was rejected 12 times before a finding a publisher.

No one owes you anything. You have to continue offering something of value, building relationships, and eventually, you will succeed, not because it was owed to you, but because you earned it.

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