Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Tag: YouTube Channel

  • Nobody owes you anything, not their business, nor their friendship; you have to earn it

    Nobody owes you anything, not their business, nor their friendship; you have to earn it

    As an entrepreneur, it’s important to understand that nobody owes you anything. Success in business often depends on creating a product or service that people want, on the relationships you build along the way, and on your endurance to stay in business long enough to see it succeed. Many times you have a good idea,…

  • Deciding to take my blog, podcast, and YouTube channel seriously

    Deciding to take my blog, podcast, and YouTube channel seriously

    I have been posting content for over 10 years. Mostly through my blog and the success of my content hasn’t been spectacular. There are several reasons for this: I decided to face those challenges and commit to produce a high quality blog/channel because I love sharing my ideas with others. As for the charisma.…

  • Superpowers I acquired at Toastmasters

    Superpowers I acquired at Toastmasters

    I was a member of a Toastmasters Club from October 2014 to October 2020, for six years. What is Toastmasters? Toastmasters is a non-profit educational organization that focuses on communication and leadership development. It’s mostly a place where members can improve their public speaking, communication, and leadership skills. There are many clubs all over the…