Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

I am planning to live for 100 years and I hope you do too

I want to live to 100 years and I wish you will live to a 100 years as well

If I could live forever I would, but recognizing that’s not an option available to me, the second-best option is to live to at least 100 years. I know I can do that.

In order to live to 100 years, I have to have three ingredients in my life:

  • Physical activity
  • a healthy diet and
  • a rich social life.

As far as having a healthy diet, many people have their own definition of healthy, but for me is not eating sugars, processed foods, and mostly eating plant-based food. I don’t call myself a vegan because every now and then, on some social event, I end up eating some animal product, but for the most part, I avoid animal products as much as I can.

As far as having a rich social life. Well, this is something that I constantly crave; spending time with family and friends and enjoying those occasional get-togethers. I like dancing and I am a member of several social groups. Due to Covid, I am relying less on social events and I am leaning a lot more on my friends and family for companionship.

As far as exercise. I have found that for me, the sweet spot is to do 20 minutes of light exercise per day, whether it’s something as simple as walking, stretching, or light weightlifting, 20 minutes a day is enough to call into action a variety of muscles, tendons, and ligaments that need to be moved regularly in order for the body to continue functioning well.

Other things that could contribute to a long healthy life are to reduce or eliminate the use of drugs and alcohol and to get as much sleep as my body needs.

Of course, I am not a scientist, but all my reading and experiences seem to reinforce the information that I am sharing with you.

So cheers, I hope to live to 100 and I hope you live to 100 too.

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