Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Meta’s Threads App

I just tried Meta’s Threads App and deleted it 24 hours later

One of my favorite social media is Twitter. I like how I can get the latest news at any time and I like that I can get in touch with other influential people on a whim.

I also like how I can just blurt out any random thought I might have at the moment, even if no one is following me or reading my tweets.

Finally, I love how I can just add my two cents to any conversation or express my frustration about the latest society drama.

One of the reasons for which Twitter is controversial it’s because it belongs to Elon Musk, the richest man in the world.

What makes it controversial about Elon Musk is that he does have opinions about all kind of subjects and he does expresses those opinion. As you can imagine not every one agrees with his opinions and he gets a lot of flak and when he says something that rubs someone the wrong way. He is certainty not like the other business billionaires who censure their opinion in order to be appealing to every one.

Because he does have an opinion and not every one agrees with him, those people who disagree are looking for a Twitter alternative.

I don’t think that Facebook or Instagram are adequate alternatives, and there have been other Twitter look-alike that don’t’ have the networking effect.

Capitalizing on the dissatisfaction of thousands (if not millions) of people, the social media company Meta decided to create a copy cat social media called Threads.

According to news reports, millions of people were signing up for the app. Out of curiosity or fear of mission out, I decided to give it a try.

The first thing that annoyed me is that it’s a phone only app. I love my phone but I don’t need one more reason to feed my addiction to my phone.

Then I installed and I started getting a constant flow of notifications which increases my dopamine dependency.

I opened the app and browsed through it and I didn’t see anything different from my Google news that I have on my phone.

After 24 hours of installing the app, I decided to delete it.

Maybe I didn’t give it a fair chance, maybe it will become the cool social media in the future, but right now, I don’t need one more reason to waste my time looking at my phone, so I deleted it.

Have you installed the new Threads app?
What’s your impression?
Did you like it?
Are you sticking to it?
Are you deleting it?
Please add your opinion to the comments below.

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2 responses to “I just tried Meta’s Threads App and deleted it 24 hours later”

  1. I doubt I’ll try Threads but will stay on Twitter and Mastodon, which I joined last November. @JonChevreau at both. Read the book The Chaos Machine before spending more life energy on another Facebook property. Happy to keep owning Meta stock though!

    1. Good for you. You are not missing anything and you will still own your onw time by not giving it away to another social media platform.
      I also own Meta stock in the form if ETFs.