Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Alain Guillot buying coffee at the local coffee shop

I have a coffee addiction, like everyone else

My coffee addiction started when I was 12 years old.

I wanted to sneak out of my house after my parent went to bed and in order to stay awake, I used to drink a big cup of coffee.

I didn’t like the taste, but it was all for a good cause, to be able to escape from my house to hang out with my friends.

Little by little, coffee became part of my life, and ever since then, I have been drinking at least one cup of coffee per day.

My regular intake of coffee is about five cups per day. Sometimes, when I go to restaurants or coffee shops, I order a cafe-au-lait.

Many times, when the barista puts lots of foam, and little coffee, I feel cheated and if I can help it, I never order coffee from that place again.

Occasionally, when I am traveling, I order a coffee with Baileys Irish Cream, or with Whiskey.

Will I get harmed by my coffee addiction?

There is no scientific evidence that coffee is harmful to consumers. As far as I know, no one has ever died of a coffee overdose. In fact, I have seen people suffering from the adverse consequences of too many drugs, too much food, Too much alcohol, but never too much coffee.

If we consider me, a sample of one, I am in great shape, I am 55 years old, my bodyweight is within its Body Mass Index and my last visit to the doctor showed that I was in good health, so my years of addition hasn’t had any negative consequences; on the other hand, the years of pleasure drinking coffee have added great value to my life.

In fact, many studies show that coffee is associated with a lower risk of mortality. Researchers have found that moderate coffee drinkers had less cardiovascular disease, and premature death from all causes, including heart attacks and stroke, than those who didn’t drink coffee.

Coffee as a stimulant

I don’t particularly feel any state of alertness or a boost of energy. I just know that if I don’t have coffee, I feel that something is missing, it’s almost like being dehydrated.

Throughout the years, I have built a tolerance for coffee. I can drink a cup of coffee and go to sleep a few minutes later.

Not everyone has the same tolerance. I think that different organisms metabolize coffee differently.

For my friend Cheryl, the act of drinking coffee is an uncircumventable ritual. Her day doesn’t start until she has her first cup of coffee. The few times she has gone without it, she has suffered from severe headaches, fatigue, irritability, difficulty concentrating, and depressed mood.

When is coffee not healthy

Coffee can be unhealthy when you add other stuff to it. For example, lots of sugar.

Here are some coffees that can be harmful to your health due to the high amount of calories it contains:

  • Butter Coffee – 243 Calories. …
  • Dunkin Donuts Frozen Coffee – 1060 Calories. …
  • Starbucks Brown Sugar Shortbread Latte – 600 Calories. …
  • McCafé Mocha Frappé – 670 Calories. …
  • Café Brevé – 478 Calories. …
  • Biggby Avalanche Latte Creme Freeze – 1003 Calories.

Many of these drinks, although they contain coffee, should not be compared with the act or the ritual of drinking coffee, those drinks are more similar to the act of eating ice cream.

In conclusion

Coffee is a socially acceptable drug, it’s easy to acquire, the price is affordable to everyone, and the benefits are extraordinary.

As for me, I drink my coffee black. No sugar, no milk.

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