Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

I am dropping alcohol from my life

Yesterday, my friend Raja and my friend Cheryl, stopped by for a visit.

I was so happy to see them that an old habit of offering something came into gear.

As I have been socially conditioned all my life, I offered them a beer or any kind of alcohol beverage (the store is only 30 seconds away from my apartment).

Raja accepted a beer and I had a beer with him.

After they left, I had this warm feeling from their company, but I noticed that the beer did not contribute anything at all to my happiness. My happiness derived 100% percent from their company.

We have been socially conditioned to make believe that drinking alcohol is necessary to have a good time. But do I really need it? If not, why not drop it completely from my life?

I don’t need alcohol to be happy, nor to improve my mood, nor as a social lubricant. I am by nature happy, outgoing, and optimistic. I am trying to feed my body only things that will benefit it. I am going deeper into veganism and for sure, I avoid at all cost any processed food.

Thank you, Raja and Cheryl, for your company. Next time you come over I will offer you a glass of water or a cup of tea.

How much of what we do is social conditioning?

As we go into our journey of personal development and self-improvement, we should take inventory of our lives and habits. Is there something that you are doing or something that you have that doesn’t add any value to your life. If it doesn’t add any value, why not drop it?

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Update August 24, 2022: I started drinking in social events. I drink between one to three drinks in an evening.