Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Here Are The Most Accessible Investments For You To Consider

Are you thinking about investing your money? You should be. These days it’s never going to be enough to simply save. You need to be able to take things one step further and ensure that your finances grow, often without you needing to put that much effort in. There are investment possibilities that will allow you to do this and that’s what we’re going to explore today. You might think that the most valuable investments are difficult for the typical individual to access. However, you’re about to discover that this isn’t the case so let’s dive in. 


One of the biggest impediments to investing is accessibility. People think they have to have thousands of dollars in order to start investing, but the truth is that you can start investing with as little as $1. Yes, you heard that right, $1. Investing has changed a lot during the years, companies like SoFi allows investors to buy fractions of a share. For example, let’s say a company’s share value is $2; well you can buy half a share for only $1. This is an extreme example, but you get the point.


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One of the easiest investments and certainly the most accessible is always going to be property. With a property investment, you can simply start by purchasing your first home or apartment. This is going to allow you to have a piece of property that you own and that you can reshape or renovate how you want. You can add value to the property over time. That means, when it’s time to sell, you will be able to make sure that you make a lot of money from the transaction. Now, you can choose to use this money to upscale with the next property you purchase. Or, alternatively, you can think about using the profits to buy a second property. This is going to allow you to either sell it on or let it out. Letting out a property provides a long term investment that will allow you to gain money from the property each month. Essentially, it becomes a second income but you will be taking on all the responsibilities of a landlord. 

If you are not prepared for this type of agreement, then you will need to think about using a property management service. Remember, this is going to cut into your costs and it must fit your budget. 

Once you have invested in a few homes, you can think a little bigger. You could choose to invest in holiday homes abroad. Alternatively, you might want to think about purchasing land instead. For instance, you might want to look at islands for sale. Tropical islands are available to purchase. While this could be out of your price range, you may want to consider this as a joint investment. Partner with friends or family members and then share the profits you make from the island. People will pay a lot of money to stay on a private island. However, you will need to pay for the upkeep. So, it’s a little bit of a juggling act. 


If you are looking for a smaller, more casual investment option, then you could consider trading forex. Forex trading is great because you can invest as much or as little as you want as a starting point. This ultimately means that you don’t have to worry about getting in too deep too fast or ending up with investments that you simply won’t be able to manage. Something to think about here is whether you understand how forex works. Essentially, you are trading currency. The trick is to monitor events that will make currency values rise and fall and then to trade at the right point. While there is definitely a learning curve here, it’s certainly not as complicated as it might sound at first. There are also platforms available to use online that are highly user friendly. After a few tries, you’ll soon have no trouble trading currency and seeing significant returns. It’s important to be aware that most people won’t get rich trading forex. But it can lead to a great extra income that pushes your finances just a little higher. 


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You might also want to consider investing in the stock market. A lot of people are often wary of the stock market and they panic that it might be too much for them to handle. While this is understandable, there are easy ways to navigate the stock market. For instance, you can get started by speaking to a broker. With the support of a broker, you will be able to find stocks that match your budget and ultimately the goals of what you want to achieve with this type of investment. 

You might assume that to invest in stocks you need a certain level of expertise. However, we don’t think this is the case. Instead, it could be possible to get the returns you want even with little to no knowledge of the stock market. However, that’s not quite true. With a little research, you can find out the information that you need about particular industries. You will also be able to follow certain trends. By following the trends, you will soon learn when to sell and when to wait with your stock options. This can quickly become a viable passive income. 

It’s possible that you are working with a limited income. If that’s the case, then you might think that stocks are beyond your reach. However, this isn’t the case because you can explore penny stocks. Penny stocks are perfect because they are cheap to invest in. So, they have low levels of risk and the potential of a massive return. You’ll essentially be investing in startups that haven’t found their market yet. While many of these will ultimately lead to nothing, others will provide a high return. So, if you can invest in a few, you will max your chances of making waves here. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the key investment possibilities that are available to you and how to approach these possibilities the right way. If you take the right steps here, then you will be able to guarantee that you do see significant returns with your investments. This is going to put you in a stronger position for the future. Ultimately, you will have more money to put away for the future and this is even going to help you retire in a greater level of comfort. So, there are definitely massive benefits worth exploring here. 

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