Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

What Makes you Happy

What creates happiness in your life

Many of the things that bring us happiness are easily accessible to all of us and they cost no money at all.

Here are are a few things that brings me happiness, and things that bring happiness to members of my community.

Get outside every day. I work at home, and I don’t have to go out if I don’t want to, but getting out of my apartment, even in cold winter days, makes me happy.

Movement. Walking, exercise, dancing. I have to have some physical activity every day. I walk about one hour every day. I have some light weights that I lift, and I dance from time to time.

Spending time with friends. We humans are social animals. One of the things that gives me the most happiness is spending times with friends. It could be sitting at the park, having a cup of coffee, a beer, or a meal.

According to a member of my community, Nataliya Figurna, Style and Image Consultant, she is happy when:

  • She is in the present present moment
  • She lists at least 3 things that she is grateful for (every day)
  • She likes how she looks.

According to my friend Cheryl Williams, English as a Second Language online teacher, she is happy when she connects with a dog, a cat, or other animals. those are her roommates Mambo and Julia.

Riley Ghiles, entrepreneur says “positively impacting someone’s life.”

Myron Welik, Business development expert says “Love.”

John Marrett. Consultant, Family

And you?

What are the things that make you happy.

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