Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Get reconnected with your inner child

Who were you when you were a little kid?

Were you a rockstar singing into a makebelieve microphone while looking at the mirror?

We have to contantly work on our creativityWere you drawing pictures of houses and cars or of imaginary characters?

Were you a superhero with superpowers to save the world?

Who did you want to be?

What was your imagination telling you to be before the world started telling you that you have to be reasonable, to be realistic, that you have to grow up, that you had to start behaving like an adult?

Today I want to invite you to reconnect with that inner child. To start thinking of the things that you want to do and start doing them.

You don’t have to quit your job. Just find a little bit of time, each day, each week, to feed that inner child. According to Wikipedia, the average adult watches about 4 hours of TV per day. Can you imagine what would happen if instead of watching 4 hours of TV per day, you would take that time to start feeding your inner child?

You can paint, you can write, you can play an instrument, you can read, we can join a social club, you can take photography classes. You can do so many things to keep that inner child alive.

As for me, I dance every week, I take photos every week. I read and write every day. I participate in my Toastmasters club every week, and I devote a lot of time to my podcast, that’s what my inner child is telling me to do. I have organized my life to make that possible.

How about you? How are you feeding your inner child? What kind of things are you doing to keep your curiosity alive? If you are not doing anything, what series of actions will you take? Please share it in the comments.

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