Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Please continue creating more businesses, create more art

From the moment we have a conscious mind, we like to create. If you watch a child playing, you can see that he can play all by himself for hours, interacting with imaginary characters from his imaginary world. This child just create

As we grow old, we learn to self-censure ourselves. We become shy, self-conscious, we restrain ourselves and we stop creating, or we stop sharing our genius with the world. And some times our creative genius shink so small, that it’s no longer a significant part of our lives. Our ability to create becomes dormant.

But some times we let that creative genius grow and flourish, and we create new businesses or pieces of art, from nothing more than our imagination, and we put it out there, as a gift for the world. And the world accepts it or rejects it, but we did our work as creators, we expressed ourselves, and now we can grow our creation or create something else.

Fellow entrepreneurs, the world needs your creations, your products, your services. Fellow artists, the world needs your art, your poems, your songs, your paintings, your dance. You are a creative genius, and the world needs your work.

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