Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Free condoms in France

Free condoms in France, Should our government do the same?

This is huge news: Young people in France will have access to FREE condoms starting January 1st, 2023. The idea is to minimize the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), but there are so many additional benefits.

For starters free condoms will reduce unwanted pregnancies. People who are not ready to have children or who can not afford to have children, should not be having children.

Unwanted children is a great contributor to poverty, lack of education, and lack of love.

Earlier this year the French government made contraception free for all women up to 26 years old – a move that affected three million women. Contraception had previously been free for women and girls 18 or younger.

France is obviously a la vanguard when it comes to women’s rights to choose.

I believe that if governments care about the welfare of its citizens all governments around the world should be taking a similar alternative.

Think about the cost of a condom vs. the cost of an unwanted child. Not only for the parents, but for society as a whole.

Children should come to the planet, only when both parents are on board with the decision.

I will be happy to hear your opinion in the comments below.

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