Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

071 Azfan Jaffeer, How to Become Dangerously Efficient

Azfan Jaffeer is a member of our McGill Toastmasters club. I have seen his journey from beginner to now that he has become a good speaker and a good leader. He shares his view of optimism, and personal development at work and his personal life.

Work: Azfan Jaffeer is a business consultant with Price Waterhouse Coopers. He teaches businesses to use technology in the most efficient way.

Azfan sees his work a bit different than many people. He’s not there merely to collect a paycheck, he sees his work as getting paid to learn, he’s getting paid to go to school. This serves him well because companies are looking for people who want to learn, people who want to improve themselves, people who what to move forward.

If a person is doing a boring, mind-numbing job, Azfan sees it as an opportunity to think about other things, he argues that we are more creative when we are bored.

How to stay motivated: Reading and self-reflection. Reading what successful people have done in the past and how they have overcome problems.

Azfan writes to communicate his ideas and techniques about how to be more efficient in his blog Increase My Efficiency. He teaches people how to take advantage of all the opportunities presented to them as employees.

Azfan has also become stock market investor, maximising the opportunities presented to him by different government programs such as the RRSPs and TFSA.

His lates passion is to invest in real estate. His eyes are always searching for new opportunities.

Azfan Jaffeer

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5 responses to “071 Azfan Jaffeer, How to Become Dangerously Efficient”

  1. […] Safety in business is one of the most critical areas that you should be concentrating on as a business leader. Your employees are looking to you to be able to feel secure and safe while they work, and if your particular business has the potential to be dangerous, then you need to have measures in place to make sure that your people are safe. Most companies in construction and those who run a fleet of vehicles are well known to be those with high accident rates, so it’s crucial that you create an environment of safety from the moment you start your business. […]

  2. […] 071 Azfan Jaffeer, How to Become Dangerously Efficient […]

  3. […] 071 Azfan Jaffeer, How to Become Dangerously Efficient […]

  4. […] 071 Azfan Jaffeer, How to Become Dangerously Efficient […]