Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Anti-abortion White Evangelist Racist gun-lover Fat Meat-eater

Most anti-abortion advocates are white, religious, fat, racist, gun-lovers and meat-eaters

It’s just driving me crazy, a pro-life advocate, brandishing a cross to show how good of a Christian they are, promoting life while carrying a weapon, and then going home to eat a juicy steak.

Most of these pro-lifers want to impose a racist agenda and they see the pro-live banner as a perfect way to hurt black and the disenfranchised communities in spite that these same policies can hurt members of their own white communities.

Anti-abortions advocates, for the most part, are also republicans, anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers, they support the death penalty, and they like to suppress voting rights.

Anti-abortion and white fundamentalism

Bob Jones University, in Greenville, South Carolina, a fundamentalist Christian college, didn’t admit any black students until 1971, 17 years after Brown vs. Board of Education. It then wouldn’t admit any students who were in a mixed-race marriage and created rules to prohibit students from interracial dating. 80 percent of white evangelicals voted for the openly racist Donald Trump? Needless to say, almost 100 percent of its students are anti-abortion

Anti-abortion and against social programs that help the poor

Most anti-abortion also vote against programs that provide free health care, low-income housing, affordable education, and any social program that could help with the well-being of the baby they try to save. The care for the fetus but not for the human being.

Most anti-abortion proponents are pro-gun

It’s fine and good to be an advocate for the life of the unborn, as long as their guns are not taken away. Most anti-abortion proponents oppose any kind of gun regulation. Guns take more lives than abortions, but anti-abortion proponents will go as far as to assassinate someone who is having an abortion, they are willing to kill a person to save a fetus.

Most anti-abortion are meat eaters

According to the anti-abortion crowd, only human life counts. All the other animals, also created by their god, are there to be tortured, slaughtered, packaged and sold in supermarkets. If they care for life, they should also care for the lives of the animals they are eating.

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