Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

4 Mistakes That Could Hurt Your Financial Security

No matter the level of financial stability you want to achieve, the power is always within your grasp. More often than not, wealth brings comfort. And if you have enough of it, you can make the world a better place for yourself and others. Making money and gaining financial independence is easier said than done. In fact, despite being the most well-informed generation, only 24% of millennials exhibit financial literacy. To make sure you stay on the right track, here are four mistakes to avoid that could cripple you financially if care is not taken.

  1. Overspending your earnings

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Irrespective of your net worth, spending more than what you earn is always a catastrophic decision as far as financial stability is concerned. The secret to gaining financial independence is living within your means. Simple mathematics tells you that when your expenses are greater than your earnings, you are going to end up with insurmountable debts. Therefore, avoid frivolous expenses, and cut your coat according to your size.

  1. Not budgeting

People usually overspend their earnings because they lack a reasonable budget. A financial account spells out how much you are supposed to spend within a certain period; it could be every month or week. You can prepare a good budget by factoring in the size of your paycheck and your monthly expenses. Jot down the most crucial needs of your household, and calculate how much money can last you for a month when you save a certain amount. After that, you may want to stick to your budget and avoid the risk of living beyond your comfort zone.

  1. Being highly indebted

Owing is one of the biggest financial mistakes that are making many people poor. The truth is that debt is not necessarily a bad thing; however, it’s meant to be repaid. Therefore, if you are addicted to taking hefty loans from banks and credit unions without repayment, you may be doing yourself a great disservice. Eventually, too much debt will negatively impact your cash flow. So, always strive to clear off your debts in time and avoid taking loans when you are unsure of how the repayment plan will impact your earnings. Fortunately, programs such as the Debt to Success System – DTSS can help you gain financial freedom and secure the future of your dream. 

  1. Not planning for retirement

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Some people dread the thought of retirement, but if you prepare yourself financially towards your retirement, you may even want to retire way earlier. Young people tend to assume that their retirement days are far away. As a result, some postpone their savings, which is a deadly financial mistake, indeed. The reality is that no matter your age, time is always running out. So, start contributing to your retirement if you want to enjoy your old age.

Worldwide,  people, including those with jobs, are struggling to make ends meet. The Covid-19 crisis has taught the world that life is full of surprises, and it will be better to prepare for them. Thankfully, you don’t have to be caught unawares by the economic nightmares of another pandemic if you avoid the above financial mistakes.