Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Workplace Features Your Employees Will Love

When you are designing a new workplace, you have the opportunity to try and make it as close to perfect as possible. When you are doing this, the main thing that you are going to want to focus on is always going to be what the employees will want. As long as you are keeping them happy, you are going to be much more likely to retain them, and that is something that proves to be very important in the long run for any business. So here are some of the workplace features that you might want to focus on including in order to keep your staff as happy as possible.

Pic Credit – CCO Licence

Comfortable Chairs

One of the major things that people will always ask for is to have comfortable chairs to sit on at their desks. Being comfortable doesn’t just make it nicer and easier to work at a desk – it also helps to promote better health amongst your staff, so it is something to focus on for that reason as well. It would generally be worthwhile to pay out for some expensive, comfortable chairs for the amount of good it will generally do to the workplace and the people in it.


It might sound like a simple thing, but just having elevators in your office as well as stairs can make a considerable difference to morale in the workplace. There is something about being able to speedily get downstairs or upstairs, whether you’re going on lunch or up to HR to have a meeting. It just makes everything more efficient and easier, and your people are going to find it a lot easier. If you are keen to ensure you have elevators you can trust, you should check out this company website for more information.

Useful Intranet

You might not think of this as much of a workplace feature, but it really is, and it’s something that is going to help your staff to feel so much more like a unified whole. An intranet, or internal internet, is a network in-house that people can log on to and it can be useful in so many ways. Not just emailing and memos, but also for listing social events and other things of that nature. It can actually make a surprisingly big difference to morale, so it’s something you are going to want to think about at the very least.

Pic Credit – CCO Licence

Wellness Centre

If you have the space and the means, a particularly modern approach that you might want to think about is to have a wellness centre in your office. This could be anything that you think your employees might approve of, but the important thing is that it is there for them to freely use. People will really consider this to be a huge plus, and it’s one of those things which will radically improve what people think of your business in general. Consider having this if you want to be known as a company that really cares about its people.