Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

What Does It Mean To Know Your Industry?

Blogging industry

I admit it. I didn’t know what I was doing when I stumbled upon blogging and podcasting. I didn’t know the industry, I didn’t know the work. I didn’t know anything. In many ways, I still don’t know the industries I am involved in, but little by little and opening new doors and discovering new things.

Inadvertently, these are the industries I have stumbled upon:

  • The blogging industry
  • The podcasting industry
  • Personal finance/personal development industry.

These industries are huge and they have huge communities of industry leaders and great followership.

Secrets to succeed in any industry

As I venture into different industries, these are the lessons I am learning.

Don’t be afraid of getting started. No one is watching, no one cares

At the beginning of your journey, you are too small for anyone to care. Some people may notice you out of curiosity but no one expects anything out of you. This is the time to make mistakes, to try new things, to make a fool out of your self. The problem is that we suffer from comparison bias, we compare our humble beginnings with people who are on tip of their learning curve. This comparison paralyzes and often prevents us from getting started.

Be consistent

When I started my podcast and my YouTube channel, and this blog, I was very bad. Now I have improves a little bit (there is a lot of room to grow). But through consistency, I have gotten better. In addition, some of the people at the top have been moving on to other things. So with a combination of people at the top moving on and my constant improvement, I am getting closer to having a higher spot on those platforms.

Build relationships.

One of the things that keep you on the game for a long is the relationship you build with your competitors, collaborators, and your audience. Those relationships will keep you going when times get difficult.

Continue measuring your progress. If you measure your progress every month, you will see that for the most part, you continue to increase, not on a straight line but over time you should see mere visitors, more views, more downloads, more engagement.

Never stop learning

Make learning part of your everyday schedule. Whether it is reading books, taking classes, reading blogs, or watching YouTube videos, make sure you are constantly learning, pushing yourself, and putting new practices into use.

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