Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

What are the Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs?’

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If you want to be a successful person knowing and imitating the traits of successful people is an excellent place to start. Not everybody comes into the world blessed with talent, good looks, and intelligence, but it’s been shown time and again, throughout the course of human history, that successful traits can be learned and used pragmatically.

That is what we will focus on in this article that seeks to persuade you, the reader, that the traits of successful people are not down to some cosmic chance, but are in fact a range of techniques and mindsets that can be adopted and implemented effectively by any personality type or persuasion. 

What if you could find a way to be more disciplined with your passion, hobby, or entrepreneurial pursuit? What if there was a technique you could learn that allowed you to get 80% of your work accomplished in just 20% of the time. And what if there was a way you could step back from stress and ideas of failure to make your own good luck! 

In this article, we look at the traits of successful entrepreneurs and what those traits mean when broken down. Hint, they are not magic personality types, with unattainable features. On the contrary, the traits of successful entrepreneurs are very accessible and pragmatic. Whatever your dream, ambition, or line of work is, you can level-up your success by reading on.  

They Have Useful Routines 

What if you could get everything on your ‘to-do’ list completed with time to spare. For one thing, it would make you less stressed. It would take the pressure off your shoulders and give you extra time to relax or hang out with your loved one, all the while knowing that the important stuff was taken care of. 

In this section, you’ll gain an understanding of how to do this quickly, with only a little investment from yourself. We’ll show you how to design routines that suit your lifestyle, match your energy levels, and enhance the productivity of your working life. Sometimes successful entrepreneurs know these techniques intuitively, but for everyone else, they can be learned. 

Do you want to get 80% of your work finished with only 20% of the effort? To do this, you will need to become familiar with Productivity Tools such as the 80/20 Rule, The Productivity Zone, and Energy Management techniques. If you organize your working day around these excellent techniques, you will notice a massive improvement in your productivity levels. 

The main idea is to optimize your daily routine, as you might optimize your borrowing with Wise Loan online installment loans. To achieve your 20% of focused activity, you will need energy management. This means working when you are at your peak energy. For some people, that means the morning, for others, it’s the afternoon. Next, access The Productivity Zone. This is similar to an athletes performance zone and can be accessed using mindfulness techniques. 

They Adapt and Evolve

One of the other great things that successful entrepreneurs do is that they learn to adapt and evolve. There are a lot of things that play a massive part in this, and you need to make sure you focus on what it takes to remain at the top of your game, and this is something you can learn and improve upon. Getting the best possible success as an entrepreneur is something that takes time, and you will need to take inspiration from other successful people as much as possible. And this is because successful entrepreneurs learn how to adapt, evolve, and reinvent themselves. 

A great example of this would be Alex Becker, who started his career in the Air Force but used his knowledge and skillset to develop a career as an entrepreneur and popular YouTuber. There are a lot of things that play a big part in helping you improve your career choices, and seeking inspiration from these people is so important. Adapting and evolving as an entrepreneur is one of the key things that you need to make the most of, and this is why this is one of the key factors to consider when it comes to getting this right and making the right decisions for the future as a potential business professional. 

They Have Self-Discipline 

Do you sometimes feel like you don’t have any self-discipline? Maybe you want to get fit but always make an excuse not to go to the gym, or perhaps you want to become a successful entrepreneur but can’t seem to get out of bed in the morning? This is common, even for successful entrepreneurs.

The difference between successful entrepreneurs and normal people is that they know how to shake themselves out of an unmotivated state. Of course, some people naturally have this disposition, but the reality is that self-discipline is a technique that can be learned. The first thing to do is escape the notion that you aren’t self-disciplined, then learn how to work more effectively with your strengths. 

Learning how to be more self-disciplined will mean that you know what you are doing at every stage of your journey, and why you are doing it. This orientation is the motivating factor you will need to achieve anything you want, whether it is getting up early, training effectively in the, or running a successful online business. 

You first have to do some self-exploration. Don’t worry; it’s not as scary as it sounds. Buy a nice journal and pen. Make yourself comfortable with a coffee and cat, or whatever your comfort zone. This is where your authentic self will emerge. Brainstorm, in the form of lists, what you want and why you want it. These goals are what you keep in mind when you want to feel motivated. 

They Don’t Avoid failure 

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Did you know that trees get stressed? Well, not exactly in the same way as human beings trying to be successful entrepreneurs, but in a different way. As they grow, they are affected by extreme weather; because of this, they develop stress wood that allows them to grow taller and to live longer than they could otherwise. 

People and trees are not very different – here’s why. If you want to grow into a successful entrepreneur, just as a tree grows into a mighty oak tree, you also need to take the strain of the extreme weather (in this case failure) and build your very own version of the stress wood. Stress wood might translate into resilience for you and me. 

Anyone who has ever achieved anything in life, like discovering fire, winning a gold medal at the Olympic games, or walking on the moon, has gone through a series of setbacks and failures that have made them stronger. Think about it, if you haven’t failed yet you probably don’t know about the possibility of failure in that area. You might have been lucky so far, but some failure is inevitable. 

Because most people equate the word failure with a negative experience, they aren’t able to embrace the power of it. The next time you fail, whether it’s a lost customer, or a lack of skill in a certain area ask yourself how you can learn from it and understand what you need to do differently next time. Keep a journal of these ‘failures,’ they are the equivalent of your ‘stress wood.’  

They Make their Own Luck

What does the phrase ‘down on your luck’ actually mean? The definition suggests that it’s a period in which a person experiences a lot of bad luck at once. Of course, this can be a reality for many people – sometimes things just don’t go your way, and there’s nothing you can do about it – but successful entrepreneurs are good at responding to ‘bad luck’ so they don’t get sucked under. Furthermore, they create their own ‘good luck.’ 

What if you could separate your thoughts from your experiences so that setbacks didn’t feel like setbacks? They are just some things that happen. In this section, we look at some effective techniques to train your mind into handling inevitable setbacks and creating your own opportunities for success. The good news is these skills are easy to learn, the bad news, they take a lifetime to master. 

Picture the scenario. You’re late for a meeting with a client, and they get a bad first impression of you. You apologize and work hard to recover the situation, but in the end, it feels like the impression counted more than you expected. This, combined with an unfortunate traffic accident on the way home, might make you feel pretty unlucky. But after a bath or lay down, you’re thinking clearly again. The next day the client unexpectedly hires you and you receive compensation for the accident – suddenly you’re in luck. 

Successful people are able to separate themselves from events and stay rooted in their reality. They know that bad luck, setbacks and failures, are often caused by their state of mind, so they train themselves to stay calm and composed in the face of adversity. 

They Never Stop Learning 

How skilful and talented would you be if you were to learn something new every day for a year? If you focused on one particular subject or passion, you would certainly know the basics and probably a lot more besides. This is something successful entrepreneurs do. But not for a year, for their entire lives. 

There is no special trick or talent to becoming a successful person or a successful entrepreneur. Some people will have a natural disposition towards learning, for instance, which makes it easy and natural for them; but knowing the tricks and techniques can level the playing field and make success a possibility for anyone. 

Not only that, it’s great to learn new things. Learning new things sparks new neural pathways that are the catalyst for new ideas. If you stick to the same subject areas all the time, there is only so far you can go. Introduce a new element to the equation, and suddenly there’s a fresh idea, you’re surprised you didn’t think of before. 

Train yourself against the idea of becoming an expert in a particular field. It might be good for your status, but it will prevent you from making further progress. Instead, adopt a beginner’s mind mentality. With a beginner’s mind, you will always be locked into learning mode and will never miss an opportunity to grow. You may even wish to challenge yourself to learn one thing a day and see how far you can go.