Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Limited Job Markets for employees with visible tattoos

The Harsh Reality of Visible Tattoos in the Workplace

This is Ash, a girl with many visible tattoos in her face and her arms.

In this video, she speaks about the difficulties she is having finding a job. The harsh reality is that if your job requires an interaction with the public, a typical employer may prefer someone without tattoos than someone with many visible tattoos.

But don’t despair, there are many jobs where it doesn’t really matter if you have your body full of tattoos or not.

For example, many work-from-home jobs such as call centers, data entry, video or photo editing, coding, programming, video game tester, etc.

Additionally, there are also costumer facing jobs where having many visible tattoos is right on brand, such as tattoo parlors, being a heavy metal musician, a craft person such as woodworking, metalworking, truck driving, electrician, plumber, etc.

In short, I think it’s a good idea to think about your career choice before getting a tattoo. If you are thinking of working at a bank or a law office a tattoo splashed all over your face is out of the question, but if you are thinking of becoming a heavy metal musician, or a tattoo artist, having many tattoos is right on brand.

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