Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Turning A Failing Business Around

There are few businesses which simply go on the up and up throughout their entire lifespan. Most companies actually have a significant amount of up and down, and there will be many times when it seems as though things are just not going to get any better. If you find yourself going through one of these times with your business right now, then you’ll need to work out how you can turn it around. As it happens, this is something you can do pretty easily, but you will need to bear a few specific things in mind firstly. Let’s take a look at these.

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Find Inspiration

First of all, you might need to bear in mind the importance of being able to find inspiration. You are probably about to make a few important and necessary changes, and you will need to be clear on exactly how you are going to make them happen – but you also need to know that you are in good company to do so. When it comes to new chapters and new beginnings, it’s always great if you have a lot of inspiration to hand, so ask around and look online at examples of other people doing similar things.

Ignore The Business Plan

For a lot of entrepreneurs, the business plan is sacrosanct – and this can indeed be an important way to treat it most of the time. But when you need to suddenly throw the whole thing into reverse gear, you will probably find that the business plan only serves you up to a point. There will come a time when you are turning a business around where you need to basically ignore your business plan entirely. It might simply not be relevant anymore. In any case, consider this as a possibility, and don’t simply follow the plan blindly if it doesn’t seem to be serving you anymore.

Meet With Key People

It’s also important that you don’t try to make any major decisions yourself. There is almost no chance that you are the only person who this is going to affect, so you need to get the opinions of other people in the business, including some of the key people that are going to help you through this procedure. That will include other managers, team leaders, and any shareholders your business may have. Don’t make any decisions without meeting with them to see what they think.

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Very often, a struggling business can turn things around through simply rebranding in one way or another. This is not always the case – not if you are struggling because of a supply chain failure or a national crisis, for example – but more often than not, the simple act of rebranding could be all you really need to do. When you do a rebrand, make sure that you are not simply changing it slightly, but going for a complete overhaul, while also retaining some awareness of your history as a business. That could really help – especially if you bring out a huge marketing campaign at the same time.

Refocus On The Customers

Sometimes a business struggles to get anywhere because the focus on the customers has been lost. When that happens, people trust the company less and less, and fewer and fewer people are going to be customers, meaning that your sales will struggle profoundly. At these times, you need to refocus on the customers, and do all you can to make sure they are at the very centre of your business plan going forward. If you can do that, you will be able to turn your business around much more smoothly and quickly.

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Cull The Workforce

One of the last things you will want to do is to get rid of some of your employees – but sometimes this is just exactly what needs to happen. If you think it is absolutely necessary, then at least make sure it is done in a reasonable and, above all, a compassionate way. If you can do that, then you will at least be able to look after your people as well as possible, even while you need to get rid of some of them. It’s not something that any boss likes to do, but sometimes it really is your only option.

These are just some of the things you can do to turn your business around, but they are all worth considering. You might find that your company gets back on the straight and narrow in no time after doing these things.