Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

family walking down the forest

Things to do Now That Your Future Self Will Thank You For!

It can be difficult looking into the future, everything is so unknown and we never quite know what’s around the corner. But taking steps in the here and now to make our lives happier later on is never a waste of time, here are some things to think about that your future self will thank you for doing. 

Health and wellbeing

Taking charge of your future health means going beyond the basics- we all know that we need to be eating well, exercising and getting enough sleep. It requires a thoughtful consideration of how your present choices influence your wellbeing tomorrow, taking note of things like your stress levels. Chronic stress for example is linked to an array of health issue making it a silent killer, ranging from cardiovascular problems to mental health disorders. Regular checkups including doctors, dentists and optician visits can all give you a better picture of your overall health and are something that shouldn’t be skipped out on. If you can afford private testing for any issues you’re worried about that aren’t covered by your GP, like genetic testing of illnesses in your family, allergies and more these can be well worth doing. By prioritising these kinds of practices today, you lay the groundwork for a healthier and more resilient future.

Financial health

Getting your money in order in your younger years will give you a much more stable and peaceful future where you dont have to worry about it. You don’t need to be a millionaire but it is important to work with what you have, and plan and prepare. Diversify your investments by exploring opportunities in stocks, real estate or retirement accounts. Building a robust financial portfolio provides a safety net for unforeseen circumstances, making sure you have a more secure future for you and your family. Learning more and understanding financial literacy is always worth doing- like understanding taxation, exploring diverse investment vehicles and staying informed about economic trends. These can all empower you to make informed financial decisions, contributing to long term financial security. Working with a company like can help you to make the right money choices in the here and now to set you up for the future too so can be worth investigating. 

Family and relationships

Strong family bonds play a possibly the most important role when it comes to long term happiness and health. The people we love and have in our lives are what makes it worth living, and while everything else is important for safety, security and wellbeing, a lot of people find nothing is worth it without their loved ones. Work on these bonds in the here and now, spend quality time together, nurture open communication and provide emotional support for those that you care about. These can all lead to a connected family unit, and in turn positively impact your mental and emotional wellbeing. Consider creating traditions and shared experiences. If you have grown apart from your family, look into ways to rekindle your connections as later in life, having those you love around is possibly the only thing you’ll care about.