Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

041 Star Hansen, Fill your space with life, not stuff.

Star HansenStar Hansen, a Certified Professional Organizer who helps people get rid of stuff they no longer need.

Whether it is old dishes, clothes you no longer wear, or gifts that you can’t throw away, little by little, clutter invades our homes.  Letting go of things it’s painful. But having a cluttered space can lead to feelings of sadness, anger, and depression.

There is a direct correlation between living in a cluttered space and reduced mental focus. This can cause difficulties in problem-solving, memory retention, and concentration. Clutter is particularly harmful to people working from home, it can affect their work performance which can reduce their ability to earn money.

Star Hansen’s passion leads her to frequently travel around the country providing organizing solutions to people, businesses, and organizations. When She is not helping others achieve their goals and dreams, she can be found thoroughly enjoying the breathtaking ocean views that the Central Coast offers, as well as hiking, painting, swimming, dancing, meditating, making homemade ice cream, and spending quality time with friends and loved ones.

Star’s TEDxTucson

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