Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

How to stop procrastination

Ready to Say Goodbye to Procrastination? Seniors, Here’s How You Can Get Started

Procrastination is a real time-stealer, hitting folks of every age. Seniors in senior living communities may find beating this brings back their drive and satisfaction.

So are you ready to take the reins on your days again? It’s time to say bye-bye to procrastination!

The steps below will show you how.

Recognize the Root Cause

Procrastination isn’t just about being lazy. It often comes from deeper problems like the fear of failure, low self-confidence, or finding tasks too big to handle.

As an older person, you might think, “I’m too old for this” or “This is a late start.”

Spotting these negative beliefs is key in fighting procrastination. Once we understand why we delay things, it’s possible to tackle them directly! Overwhelmed? Split that task into smaller pieces! If you’re scared, remind yourself of all your past wins and achievements.

Prioritize and Set Clear Goals

As folks in our golden years, we’ve seen countless sunrises and lived through many days. But every day is a fresh start.

Start by figuring out what you want to accomplish. Once clear, set SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant) timely.

Think of these as your guide map. For example, don’t just say, “I plan to get fit,” be more precise, like: “Starting tomorrow, I’ll walk 30 minutes right after breakfast.” The clearer the goal-setting process for yourself is done, the less likely it will fade into procrastination!

Create a Supportive Environment

Your surroundings can seriously shape your actions. It helps to have people around who think like you and give encouragement. For seniors, this could be others living nearby with common goals or hobbies.

Another idea is to make an area just for the things you love doing. Take away any distractions so it’s a breeze starting, and there is less chance of dawdling.

Celebrate Small Wins

Remember, it’s not just about the big end goal. Cherish those small wins too! Every bit of progress counts and deserves a pat on the back.

It keeps you motivated to move forward. Say you’ve kept up with your reading for a week. Celebrate that! A treat, film, or day out could be in order here. Each step taken against procrastination is a triumph worth recognizing.


Breaking free from procrastination’s hold can be a very uplifting experience. Always keep in mind that age is nothing more than digits on paper and should never restrict you. There are no deadlines for embracing transformation.

The wide world beyond your doorstep remains jam-packed with exciting opportunities begging for the taking, possibilities merely awaiting your ‘hello.’

So why wait? Dust off those aspirations, put on your game face, and dive headfirst into this significant journey of change today. You’ve got what it takes; now, let’s show the world just how much!