Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Preventative Ways To Save Money

Preventative Ways To Save Money

It’s great to have a house or apartment to live in where you can be yourself and not have to follow anyone else’s rules. Yet there are downsides, of course. Whether you rent or own your home, there will be money to spend on it. This money can seem to be never-ending, and every time you think you’ve spent out on everything that needs spending out on, there’s something else just around the corner that’s going to cost you more money. 

This might be how it feels, but it’s not how it has to be. There are several things you can do that will enable you to save money in your home rather than be continually spending it. By carrying out these preventative tasks, you can save money in the long term, and keep your home in the best condition. Read on for more information. 

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Check Your Attic

Most people don’t spend a lot of time up in their attics; it’s usually a place to store unused items that you just don’t want to throw away. Yet it could be that your attic is costing you money without you even knowing about it, and by the time you do realize, it can be too late, and a considerable repair bill will be coming your way. 

Several things can be issues in your attic space. These include:

  • A damaged roof that is letting in water 
  • A leaking water storage tank
  • Poor or missing insulation meaning your heating bill will be higher than it needs to be 
  • Rodent infestation 

It’s a good idea to go into your attic regularly, perhaps every three months or so, just to make sure that there is nothing problematic happening up there where you can’t see it. If there is nothing wrong within the attic and you’re still spending out a lot on your heating bill, further investigation might be needed, and you’ll need to learn about other ways to save on heating bill.  

Look After Your Pets 

If you have pets, you’ll know how much a part of the family they can become, so you’ll want to take the best care of them that you can. Unfortunately, this can mean colossal vet’s bills. However, if you step back and look at how you take care of your dog, cat, rabbit, or anything else, you might find there are some changes you can make that will make a visit to the vet much less likely. 

You could change their diet, for example, ensuring they are getting all the nutrients they need depending on their size, breed, and activity level. Plus you can regularly de-flea and de-worm your pets, keeping them much healthier. 

Test Your Smoke Alarm 

The idea of a fire in your home is a terrifying one and something that many people worry about. The amount of damage a fire can do is horrific, not to mention the fact that it can injure people, or worse. 

The cost of repairs after a fire could be prohibitively expensive even with insurance, and you would lose precious memories that you can never replace. 

This is why it pays to test your smoke alarm. Do it once a month (simply put the task in your diary or on your calendar) to ensure the batteries are charged, and the unit itself is functioning. This preventative measure, ensuring the batteries are changed before they run out, could save you a lot of money, and a lot of heartache.