Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Practical Steps To Ease Your Financial Stresses

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Many of us are worried about the state of our finances. 

For some, debt is a major issue, and for a lot of people, simply not having enough money to live on is a problem. If you’re relating thus far, you might be glad to know that you’re not alone. 

Thankfully, there are steps we can all take to ease our financial stresses. So, if you are struggling right now, don’t bury your head in the sand. Consider the following suggestions and do what you can to improve your situation.

#1: Track your spending

Where does your money go? If the money that goes into your bank doesn’t last until your next payday, you should keep a close eye on the situation. Using a notebook or an expense tracker app, make a note of each and every expense. When you know how much you have spent each month, and when you know where that money has gone, you might be in a place where you can make a few changes. For one, you could limit your spending on non-essentials. You could also find ways to reduce the costs of your necessary expenses, such as using a price comparison service to lower your utility bills. 

#2: Seek help

Are you struggling to manage your finances alone? If so, find help for your personal situation. It could be a friend or a family member who will help you budget better. It could be a debt-relief charity that will help you get your finances back on track. Or it could be an accountant who will give you the advice you need to manage your money more proficiently. We can all get into a muddle with our finances from time to time, but help is usually out there for any given situation. 

#3: Check which benefits you’re entitled to

If you’re unemployed or on a very low income, you should be entitled to financial assistance. What benefits you will be entitled to will depend on your situation and the level of your income, but check online for benefits available for residents in your area. 

#4: Find ways to increase your income

If your job isn’t paying you enough, it might be time to consider a change of career. Sure, you might need to start at the bottom of the career ladder again, but if there is a chance that your income will increase in a relatively short space of time, it could be a good option for you. Alternatively, try to make more money outside of your work situation. You could start a side-hustle and make money on the side, for example. There are some ideas within our article on generating extra money online, although there are offline side-hustles you could consider too. 

These are just some of the steps you can take to ease your financial stresses, so do something rather than nothing if you’re currently struggling. Check out the other money articles on this website for more advice, and speak to anybody you know who can help you with your personal situation.