Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Keeping Your Business Open During COVID-19

It’s true to say that COVID-19 is bringing numerous challenges for businesses across the world right now. During the initial lockdown, a lot of companies were forced to shut their doors and many were unable to keep the lights on long enough to open them again once things at least partially returned to normal. On the horizon, there are likely to be local lockdown measures put in place as there is still no vaccine available to anyone. This could be a massive challenge for companies, particularly SMEs that don’t have the cash flow for this type of pressure. That’s why it’s important to understand the best ways to keep your business open and thriving in a brave new world. 

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Choose Your Partners Carefully 

You will always be reliant on other businesses in your company model. No brand is an island and it will be essential that you can rely on other companies to provide the service you need. This is true whether you are searching for suppliers or using outsourcing solutions. 

Certain services will be essential to keeping your doors open. For instance, if you are working in the manufacturing industry, then you might not be able to continue to operate without the right powder coating services. It’s important to contact partners like this. Check what measures they have in place and whether they expect to be able to cope with levels of demand right now. 

Cut The Costs

If you want your business to survive a difficult economic situation, then you do need to make sure that you keep the costs under control. This isn’t the massive challenge that most company owners think. There are a variety of ways to cut costs in your business model. 

For instance, you can think about making your business more eco-friendly. Be aware that this will almost always require you to invest capital as a starting point. However, it can be worth it due to the returns that you are likely to see further down the line. 

You might also want to think about reducing your team numbers. This could be necessary to abide by the latest social distancing measures anyway. With governments no longer able to support individuals that have been furloughed, this might be the only option for a lot of companies. It will also make your business far more flexible to the potential changes in the market. 

Keep Up With Regulations 

Finally, you do need to make sure that you are keeping up with the latest standards and regulations in terms of how to keep employees and customers safe. This is undoubtedly an issue that is constantly shifting and changing. It might be worth using a legal advisor to ensure that your business is on the right track. If you fail to do this, then you could end up with anything from a nasty lawsuit to a dangerous situation for anyone in your company. 

We hope this helps you understand the best ways to ensure that your business continues to operate in this brave new world.