Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Jensen Huang

Nvidia’s CEO, Jensen Huang wishes students ample doses of pain and suffering

Jensen Huang is the co-founder, president and CEO of Nvidia, the company that designs the microchips that are powering Artificial Intelligence. As of March 2024, Jensen Huang’s net worth was estimated to be about $82 billion, making him the 17th richest person in the world.

And in case you didn’t know Nvidia is a company worth over 2 Trillion dollars and it’s the Words third most valuable company in the world.

I thought that his comment was unique because, most of the time when I see business leaders talking to students, their main message is to follow their dreams. This is the first time I hear a leader, wishing students of a university pain and suffering.

Jensen Huang came from a humble backgrounds. His first job was at Denny’s at age 15 where he worked as a dishwasher and he bragged about being best dishwasher ever.

Of course the road from dishwasher to being the CEO of one of the top three most valuable companies in the the world is full of challenges.

For any person who wants to be as successful as they possible can, they will naturally face pain and suffering. It’s part of the growing process, there is no way to avoid it. The only thing that I could ad, is to embrace the pain and suffering as the price of success. As Jensen Huang, said he welcome pain and suffering with great glee.

People with high expectations have low resilience. Unfortunately, resilience matters in success…I don’t know how to teach it to you except for, ‘I hope suffering happens to you’. greatness comes from character & character…is formed out of people who suffered. I wish upon you ample doses of pain & suffering

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