Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

How To Close Sales In Your Small Business

When you run a small business, closing sales is one of the most important things you can do. No matter how much time and effort – not to mention money – you put into your marketing or your website or even your products and services, if you’re unable to close a sale, you won’t reach the heights of success that you could do otherwise. Your business won’t grow, your profits won’t appear, and you might have to close altogether. This is why understanding how to close a sale is crucial; here are some of the ways to do it. 

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Ask Question And Listen To The Answers 

In any sales situation, the buyer knows you are there to sell to them, and you know that you need to close the sale. Yet, it takes time for the buyer to trust that you’re the right person to give their money to, and it is this trust that you need to build up if you want to close the sale. 

To do this, make sure you ask questions. The more you know about the prospect, the more you will be able to steer them towards buying from you. Not only should you ask questions, but you need to listen to those questions and use the information you learn to bring the conversation back to how your product and services will help. When you can personalize the sale, it makes things much more manageable. 

Make A Summary 

Another good way to close a sale is to make a summary of everything that has been discussed. By reiterating all the items that you have talked about and how they will help the prospect, you will be cementing the idea more firmly in their minds. Stress the benefits and value of each item as you go along. 

At the end of the summary, ask them an open question (that is, not one that requires a yes or no answer). Ask when you can deliver, for example. Not only are you summarizing everything and making it sound impressive (although you won’t be exaggerating anything – that’s a good way to make a bad reputation for yourself and to ultimately disappoint your customers), but you are asking a question that leads to the close. 

Use AI 

When you can use AI for sales from People AI, you are making things much simpler and more efficient for everyone involved in the sales process, including you. Sometimes a customer might be interested in what you want to sell them, but the process itself takes so long, and they are so busy that they have to walk away. They might tell themselves they’ll come back another time, they might even say this out loud, but once they walk away, the reality is that they are unlikely to come back for a variety of reasons. This is why, when it comes to closing sales, it needs to be done there and then. 

If you can utilize AI in your sales process, you can make everything much quicker. You can also show the customer how advanced and modern your business is, which might be enough to persuade them to buy from you. It’s a simple idea, but it’s one that works.