Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Getting Back On Your Feet. Guide To Progress

When something gets you down it can sometimes be quite hard to get back up on your feet. What put you down in the first place can be completely variable. Different things bother people in differing ways. In the same vein, some can get up on their feet a lot faster than others too. The key here is to focus on yourself. Focus on what got you down in the first place. Losing a job, missing a promotion, break up, theft of property, etc. When you work out what it is, you can zone in on it and get better. Ensuring you have what you need to pull yourself up. These might not address you directly, but they can still help shift your mentality into one of self betterment, putting you on the right track for success. 

Push For Closure

One of the best things you can do, to start yourself onto the role to recovery, is to get closure. This can come in many forms. If you missed out on a promotion, maybe speak to your boss and find out why. When you know you can work on it for next time. Something stolen online? Maybe speak to a Private Investigator. Getting the closure you need can allow you to open the next chapter of your life. In some cases, this might be harder than others. Getting up and taking the right step is a success all in itself.


Surround Yourself With Friends

It’s important to surround yourself with positive people who love and like you. This can be family and friends. When certain people are down and out, they tend to close themselves off to friends. They might get their head down, spending all their time in front of the TV. If this works for you, great. If it doesn’t, then start to pull people in. Invite people over and don’t push them away. Let them cheer you up and get you back on your feet. That’s what friends are for. No matter how complicated the problem, if you share it, and get more perspective on it you might find a way out.

Get Away For Awhile 

This might be quite hard at the moment because of certain Covid-19 restrictions, but sometimes getting away can really make all the difference. New scenery and something else to do can really help you put things into perspective. Go somewhere you’ve always wanted to. Maybe go with friends and get the best of both worlds. This could be a city break or a long holiday. It might just be a drive out of the city.

See An Expert

Depression might not get better on its own. Sometimes, you can do all the things you read, take the advice from anyone who will give it and nothing will work. You’ll need to see a specialist. Start by telling those around you and work up to telling your doctor. They’ll know what to do. Don’t suffer in silence, do something about it to ensure your life gets better.