Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

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Get The Better Of Your Debt This Year

Debt is a terrible thing, and it can really radically affect your life in quite a negative way. If you are in any amount of debt, then you will obviously be keen to make sure that you are overcoming it as soon as possible. As it happens, there are quite a few things you can do to improve the situation, and it might actually be easier than you think. In this post, we’ll look at some of the ways to get a handle on your debt and get out of it as soon as possible.

Know The Situation You’re In

You have to first be really clear about what situation you are in, and be as honest with yourself as possible about it. This can be really hard to do, but it’s something that you will certainly want to think about if you are keen on getting through the debt much more quickly and easily all in all. The more you know the situation you are in, the easier it is to handle. It might be worth in particular knowing what is a section 129 notice and how to respond, and what kinds of debts are more pressing than other ones.

Prioritize Your Debts

We mean this in two main ways. First, prioritize the fact that you need to pay off your debt, especially if you have been putting this off for a long time. Secondly, however, you should also prioritize the order in which you pay them off, because some of them are going to be much more important to be paid off than other ones. The most pressing are those which are threatening legal action, or those with high interest rates, so be sure to plan to pay those off first and foremost.

Start Making Payments

As soon as possible, start making payments to your debts. At the very least, aim to make the minimum payments each month, even if that’s all you can do. However, you should aim to pay off as much of the debt as soon as possible, because that makes it a much more affordable debt in the long run and means you will waste much less money. Nonetheless, as long as you start making payments today, that is the main thing, and that’s what you should be focused on in particular here and right now.

Keep On

It can be stressful and worrying, but all you really need to do is keep on going, no matter what. You might find that it takes quite a long time to pay off your debts, but as long as you are making progress that is the main thing. Keep on going and before you know it you will have made a dent – and then soon enough, you’ll find that you have a much better financial position to be in overall. It’s a really important thing to carry on with.


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