Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Daty trading and driving

Forex Trading Tips: How To Avoid Losing Your Money

Before we begin, please be reminded that this is not financial advice at all. These are simply a few tips to help anyone that’s looking to get involved in Forex trading. You’re not going to find any advice on what you should trade – or even a trading pattern. Instead, it’s more about learning how to avoid making common mistakes that will lose money. 

With that in mind, here’s what you should know:

Don’t fall for Forex trader Instagram ads

You have definitely seen these before, and they usually start out with someone showing you their amazing car collection before telling you they made money through Forex trading. Long story short, they want you to join their system so you pay them to make money for you. In reality, these schemes are very hit and miss – they are just a way for the initial trader to make more money. Don’t fall for them; if you want to work with someone to improve your trading, you should opt for a licensed company like FX Globe. As long as they are professional, have the right credentials, and come with positive reviews, you should be in safe hands. 

Don’t go in blind

A common mistake – and this applies to pretty much every form of investing out there – is to go in with absolutely no knowledge of what you’re doing. Here’s a simple question: do you know the Forex market? If you can’t even explain what it is or how it works, do not start investing money. Even if you are working with a broker, you need to have a basic understanding of the market and how everything works. It’ll make life a lot easier and prevent you from making simple mistakes. 

Don’t get too greedy

Again, this is a general rule that applies to all investments. In many ways, investing is like gambling, only you have slightly more control over the situation. Still, you are spending your money, hoping that forces go your way and mean that what you invested in has been appreciated. There will be times where you see great gains on your Forex investments, and you are tempted to look for more. This could mean selling and reinvesting all of your money in something else, only to lose it. Or, it can mean holding onto something when you should’ve sold, purely because you wanted more money. Understand when it’s time to take action, and never get too greedy. Greed will be your own undoing in the Forex world!

There are three tips here that should help you learn how to avoid making common mistakes in the Forex trading game. One other thing to add – and this links in well with the knowledge point – is that you can get free Forex accounts online. They basically practice accounts that deal with the real market, only without using real money. It’s a good way of seeing how things work and getting a feel for this investment medium. You might discover that it isn’t for you at all, and you’d rather invest in something else.