Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

From Here to Financial Happiness by Jonathan Clements

Reading the book From Here to Financial Happiness by Jonathan ClementsMy habit is to read 1 hour per day, and I like to do it with daylight right next to my window. I find that reading at night is difficult for my eyes.

On this occasion, I had the pleasure of reading “From Here to Financial Happiness, Enrich Your Life in Just 77 Days” by Jonathan Clements.

Jonathan is a seasoned writer who spent almost 20 years at the Wall Street Journal. He has written one novel and seven books and he’s the founder of the website Humble Dollar.

Why another finance book?

Most of the finance books I read focus on ETFs, Index Funds, stock market history, how to save more, how to stop drinking lattes, how to earn more money, etc… I am sure you have read some of those as well.

This one is different because it focuses, not on a higher financial return for your money, but on a higher return of happiness for your money. It’s a different spin of the money theme, but one not covered enough.

The feel of the book

Not only there is a different spin on the theme of money but the way the book was put together is also different. The book is made up of short chapters, 77 to be exact. Each chapter represents one day, so theoretically, you are supposed to read the book in 77 days.

It feels like having a one-to-one conversation with Jonathan. He offers his wisdom, then he asks you questions, and then he gives you space to write an answer. There is no right or wrong answer. The purpose is to give you space to reflect on your own situation and determine how you can improve.

My rating

The information is great, the book really has the potential to change your perspective on money and its role in your life, but at the same time, the chapters seem to be disjointed, which take away the feeling of continuity of the text. In the end, it all makes sense and you will be wealthier and happier.

It’s a Buy and I give it 4.5 stars. 🙂

Note: I recorded a podcast interview with Jonathan Clements. I will post that interview in two more weeks.

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One response to “From Here to Financial Happiness by Jonathan Clements”

  1. […] for them. That’s a fair assumption, right? In an ideal world, businesses should aim to achieve financial happiness on both ends of the scale. That way, they can rest easy that we’re happy with their services […]