Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

272 Dr. Christian Smith: How Do You Reconcile Science And Paranormal Activities

About Christian Smith

Christian Smith

Dr. Christian Smith holds a doctorate in the molecular and cellular biology of cancer from the University of Toronto, has over twenty-five years of experience as a research scientist, and in 2017 completed an MFA in Creative Nonfiction from the University of King’s College.

Since 2006, Christian Smith has been the Manager of Research Operations at the world-renowned Brain Tumour Research Centre in Toronto. 

Where to find Dr. Christian Smith


The Scientist and the Psychic: A Son’s Exploration of His Mother’s Gift

Weaving together the story of his fractured relationship with his mother with research into her paranormal abilities, Dr. Christian Smith has created, in The Scientist and the Psychic, a captivating, one-of-a-kind memoir of belief, skepticism, and familial love.

Christian Smith realized his mother was different in the autumn of 1977 when he was eight years old. Before then, he’d witnessed séances at home and the kids at school sometimes teased him about his mom being a witch–so he sensed that his life wasn’t typical. But it wasn’t until he was backstage at a renowned concert venue in Toronto, watching from behind a curtain as Geraldine commanded an audience of 2,000 with her extrasensory readings, that he understood she was special.

The Scientist and the Psychic by Dr. Christian Smith

As Geraldine’s only child, he would assume the role of the quiet observer while she guided a live CBC broadcast of a séance; made startling and consistently accurate predictions. Geraldine eventually moved to LA to work with the parents of murder victims–and with convicted murderer Jeffrey R. MacDonald. Over time, the high profile and emotionally depleting work affected Geraldine’s health and relationships. Addiction took over her life, and her son pulled away.

Fast forward to the present day: Christian is a molecular biologist and Geraldine is retired and in poor health. They are closer than they’ve ever been, and now he gives us the story of her undeniable perceptual abilities and pioneering work as a psychic–and endeavors to make scientific sense of it.

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