Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

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Changing Career? Top Ways To Make Yourself More Appealing

More than a few people have considered switching careers at some point or another. There can be multiple benefits to doing so. Some of the more notable include the perks that other employers might offer.

These include the likes of being able to work from home, health insurance, and much more. With those in mind, it’s easy to see why people would be interested in switching jobs. It’s much easier said than done, however. As you might expect, there are quite a few things to consider.

One of the more notable is making yourself as hireable as possible. If you don’t know how to make yourself appealing to employers, then you could struggle with this. There are a few ways you can do so, each of which should have a significant impact on your attractiveness to employers.

How To Make Yourself Appealing To Employers

Highlight Soft Skills

When most people look for a new job, they focus on the most relevant skills for the role. These are typically the technical skills needed to do the job. While that’s recommended, they’re not the only things that you should highlight.

Instead, you should also showcase your soft skills. These include how effective of a communicator you are, how good of a problem solver you are, and much more. These are always wanted by employers, so you should make sure that they’re well highlighted.

It’s also worth highlighting how and when you used these skills in previous roles. If there are a few soft skills that you don’t have, then it’s worth working on them as quickly as possible. While that might take some time, it’ll be more than worth it.

By doing so, you’ll stand out much more from other applicants. You can typically expect that they’ll have as much of the technical skills as you are. By highlighting your soft skills, you’ll give yourself an extra edge.

Have A Strong Social Media Presence

Few job applicants realize that they’ll need to build a brand when applying for new roles. You’ll need to do this well before the job-seeking process, however. If you don’t know how to make yourself more appealing to employers, then it’s worth starting with this.

You’ll need to be professional about this. Employers will want a positive impression when they look you up. You should make sure to give them this. Getting rid of any unappealing posts will be the first part of this.

You should make sure that your public profiles represent you in the way that you want. Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn can be some of the more important platforms to look at here.

Get Management Experience

Getting management experience is much easier said than done. The key here is worth knowing that you don’t have to be a manager to get leadership experience. If you’ve led a team in any kind of way, then you can use this to benefit yourself.

Even overseeing your company’s interns could be more than enough for this. It’s worth looking for ways that you can get management experience in your current company. Taking advantage of this will help your applications stand out once you start looking for new jobs.

Going with this route could also help you develop more skills, which will also be beneficial.


While you’ll already be more than qualified for the job you currently have, that doesn’t mean that you have all the necessary skills for a different one. You could find that you’ll need to upskill or reskill. There’s no point in learning new ones for the sake of it, however.

Instead, it’s worth looking at what skills are needed for the jobs that you want. If there are any that you don’t have, then it’s worth acquiring them as quickly as possible. Doing so could be one of the more time-consuming aspects of changing careers.

By spending a few hours a week on this, however, you shouldn’t have much of a problem getting it done.

Wrapping Up

If you’re unsure about how to make yourself appealing to employers, then you could struggle with finding a new job. While some people can have it relatively easy and walk straight into a new career, most people aren’t like this.

Instead, they’ll need to put some work into it instead. Focusing on each of the above areas could be more than enough to help you with this. Though they each focus on particular areas, they’ll make you a more well-rounded applicant.

As a result, you should see many more job offers once you finally start applying. There’s no reason not to concentrate on each of the above.