Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

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Building A Fortress Around Your Brand: How To Protect It From Damage

Building a brand is something that takes a long time – often decades. However, it is also something that can be destroyed in a single moment. Brands can disappear from everyday life following seemingly innocent mistakes. 

That’s why it is essential to build a fortress around yours. You want to protect your brand as if it were real property. It is as valuable, if not more. 

But what can you do? Here are some ideas: 

Use Techniques To Protect Your IP

The first step is to use techniques to protect your IP. Keeping your intellectual property safe helps you maintain the investment you’ve already made in it. 

Your IP includes your logo and brand name. However, it can also include things like your website and technology. You can use existing IP laws to prevent other companies from stealing your ideas and using them as their own. 

Build Brand Guidelines

It’s also essential to build brand guidelines. You want to ensure you maintain a consistent message across all your channels, including social media. Anyone representing your firm should follow the same rules. 

The best approach is to set out formal guidelines in a brand guide, according to This document can contain specific details, even down to the tone of voice and typeface you use in communications. 

Insure It

You can also protect your brand by insuring it against loss, according to The idea is to protect all aspects of your business financially, enabling you to continue operating even if something goes considerably wrong. 

Basic business insurance doesn’t always cover everything you need. However, multiple carriers offer more comprehensive approaches that enable you to slash risks across the board. 

Put Money Into Cybersecurity

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You can also build a fortress around your brand by pumping money into your cybersecurity efforts. Beefing up your online and network defenses can help you repel attacks and keep your business strong. 

Focus on protecting customer information and data. Ensure you encrypt all communications, regardless of how small they might seem. Keep everyone in your organization safe. 

Also, ensure your staff understand proper security practices. Give them the tools they need to perform on the job while also supplying training on how to avoid phishing and other tactics that rely on human error. 

Hire A Brand Protection Attorney

You can also attempt to hire a brand protection attorney. These lawyers scour the public conversation on your brand and look for opportunities to take action against third parties who could harm you. 

For example, they can uncover instances of counterfeiting, where supply chain companies swap out real products for fake alternatives. Lawyers can also look for incidences of slander or companies attempting to use your proprietary technology. 

Monitor Online Mentions

Finally, it is a good idea to monitor online mentions of your brand. Keeping track of public sentiment is an excellent way to protect your reputation and prevent false rumors from spreading and getting out of control. 

So, there you have it: some of the ways to build a fortress around your brand. Which will you choose?