Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Appreciating Your Clients With an Event

Smalls businesses and freelancers quite often have an immense passion for what they do than big corporations. Their clients are usually people they learn about on a more personal basis. But when you have fewer tools and people at your disposal to take care of the accounts, it doesn’t matter how well you know Dave from the computer shop if you can’t offer them what they need. 

Photo by Isaac Benhesed on Unsplash

There is more than you can do than just producing outstanding work, though. Client appreciation will never go wrong. Events are a great way to show your clients that you appreciate their business. They are also a great way for you to win new business, network, and grow. 

Here are some client-appreciating events that can be a lot of fun. A critical point, though, is that you shouldn’t sink client hours into arranging an event; instead, you can outsource this to an events company; you can click here to learn more about that. 

Tasting Events

There is a huge range of wine, beer, and cheese tasting that can be enjoyed by larger groups. Craft beer, vegan wines, artisan cheeses, and more are incredible to taste. These are a more luxurious event but will leave a lasting impact. The hosting company will usually provide several staff that can help the evening run smoothly, as well as sommeliers, to give an informative and exciting experience. It is important if you choose to have a wine or beer tasting that you know the backgrounds of any tee-total people and non-drinkers so that you can cater to them too. 

Food Trucks

Food trucks are a great way to bring something fresh to any industry. You can work with the food truck to create a number of dishes that work for your clients. You can find some incredible and authentic food trucks that can provide you with phenomenal flavors. They tend to have a set fee for an agreed amount of dishes, which is usually enough for your clients to try at least one of everything. 


Networking doesn’t have to be boring. It can be a glitzy and glamour event. Encouraging clients to get dressed up and to enjoy an evening of entertainment and some work chat too. Giving people the right opportunity to network can mean that you are giving them even more value than just your services. When a range of small business owners get together, the entrepreneurial spirit can be huge, and who knows, projects can be possible. 


Arranging an exclusive tour event of a zoo, wildlife park, charity, gallery, or museum can be very exciting. If there are fresh galleries pop-up up in the city, then a sneak preview with your clients can be quite a big deal. A private tour can make everyone involved feel like they are part of an exclusive group.

Think about outside the box ideas to show your clients that they are more than just a fulfilled invoice and some projects.