Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

Covid-19 was the push I needed to transition into a digital life

on my quest to find a digital life
Santa Marta, Colombia, Jan 2020

It’s been over a decade that I have been fantasizing about having a digital life, a life that I can just live from anywhere in the world as long as I have a laptop and an internet connection.

I have always been curious about the world, but to be honest, I have been too afraid to explore it. I daydream about being 3 months in one country and then 3 months in another country and like that, discover everything the world has to offer.

But I have always been too afraid of leaving the known for the unknown.

I have been living in Montreal for over 22 years. I have taken my cozy apartment as the cave that protects me from the saber-toothed tiger outside my door.

But Covid-19 is changing everything.

People’s lives have been completely destroyed from one day to the next. People who thought they had a secured job and a place to live, all of a sudden find themselves without work and without enough money to pay their rent. These drastic changes support the theory that we are never safe. We can never take anything for granted. The whole world as we know it can change from one moment to the other.

I used to have a dance school business and a photography business. I doubt that anyone of those will ever operate again. At least, I have already written them off in my mind.

Covid-19 has pushed me into a digital life

In my search for a new way to earn a living, I decided to start a website development business and an SEO consulting business. In addition to that, I sell advertising space on this website and I get a small amount of affiliate revenue as well.

I don’t know if I will earn enough income to sustain my current lifestyle, but also, I realize that if I succeed in making my life out of the internet, if I could have a digital life, then I don’t have to continue hoarding my current apartment. I could live in any Canadian city, or any city in the world.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my city Montreal, but the thirst to discover something more a is a pulling force in my mind and heart.

What’s the benchmark?

I am going to take my current standard of living, $1,500 per month, and use it as my goal. If I can make $1,500 or more for six consecutive months, I will consider myself geographically independent and I will start exploring other living arrangements.

Publishing a monthly income report

In order to keep myself accountable and motivated, I decided to publish a monthly report disclosing my revenues and my expenses to readers of this blog. I hope you will join me on this journey and maybe, if you have the same yearning for adventure, I will inspire you in your search for digital life.

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