Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

5 Ways To Make You Feel More Positive

Photo by Binti Malu from Pexels

Now and then we get stuck on auto-pilot and lose ourselves in our day to day lives. Working, school runs and running a family home can be exhausting and when we are tired, we become stressed and in turn, become negative. Now its time to pull yourself out of the rut you find yourself in and into a more positive outlook of life. We have five ways to help you do this.

  1. Schedule Some Alone Time

Some people lead busy lives and we forget to stop and take a moment to ourselves. Schedule at least one evening a week to be by yourself. Whatever you use this time for is up to you, maybe you’d like to read a book, take a relaxing bath or catch up on your soaps, whatever it is make sure your family knows not to disturb you when it’s your time. Having this allocated time to shut off the rest of the world can relax your mind and subsequently releasing stress.

  1. Surround Yourself With Positive People

Being around negative people can drag you down no matter how much of a positive person you are. If you feel like someone else’s negativity is affecting your mood, remove yourself from the situation and you will find yourself feeling more positive in no time. If it’s a person in your life who you can’t or don’t want to remove, open a conversation with them about their negative mood and see if you can help each other feel more positive.

  1. Complete Your Fogotton Tasks

Like everyone you probably have a list of tasks, you haven’t managed to get to. Physically write a list of your tasks and try and complete one a day, these tasks might be as simple as cleaning the kitchen floor, fixing a broken cupboard or mowing your lawn. The way your home looks often reflects how your mind feels, working on the upkeep of your house can help make your mind feel less cluttered. Start on the outside of your property, so when you arrive home, you instantly feel relaxed. Invest in some plants and maybe a mower to motivate you into keeping your outside looking great, Bradley Mowers a lawn mower specialist says ‘If you want to keep your lawn looking its best this year, choosing a mower than meets all of your needs is the smartest investment you can make.‘ So head out and get your supplies ready to make your home looking how you want to feel.

  1. Listen To Some Motivational Speeches

An excellent way to feel positive is to get motivated. Listening to some motivational speeches either whilst you are getting ready in the morning will make you motivated for the day. You will end up working that little bit harder, leading to completing tasks and feeling positive. 

  1. Get Outside

Breathing in fresh air is a great stress reliever, take yourself away from busy life and head out on a walk. Being in nature and breathing in the fresh air can help calm our minds and bring us back down to earth.

We think if you implement these tips into your day to day life, you will be feeling more positive in no time.