Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

5 Ways to Create a Healthier Office Environment

Many office-based businesses mean that the workforce are sedentary for the majority of the day. Employees also have access to email and messenger systems, meaning that they don’t even need to walk over to someone else to ask a question; it can all be done immediately online. Many employees take a working lunch to quickly eat something at their desk and then carry on with work to meet deadlines. So what can be done to make sure that you create an office environment that is healthy and promotes good well-being for employees? Here are some things to think about.


Employ a cleaning team

Whether you pay freelancers or an agency, having a cleaning team to come into the office on a regular basis will mean that you can create a healthy and clean space for your employees to be. This is never more relevant than the past year or so, with cleaning and good hygiene being most important. As case studies by MicroVision labs will show you, there can be a range of mold and bacteria growing in your place of work without you being aware. With a good cleaning team in place, this can be avoided.

Invest in standing desks

This isn’t going to be something that is for everyone. But there will be some employees that will enjoy the benefit of a standing desk, or choosing between sitting and standing if the desk is adjustable. It gives them the chance to stretch their legs, get the blood pumping, and can be a way to make them feel more energized which can be important at work.

Offer healthy snacks

If you have a cafeteria on-site or things like vending machines, then it will help to make sure that you have some healthy options to offer employees. When you have healthy options, you will make sure that they are getting the nutrients that they need and giving them food that will provide sustainable energy. When all that is on offer are processed foods and foods high in sugar, it only offers temporary energy and an even greater energy slump. So stock them up with goodness!

Free water bottles

It can be a bit of an investment, depending on the size of your team, but if you have free water bottles that you can offer to your employees, then it encourages them to have it on their desk and to refill throughout the day. Drinking plenty of water is one of the number one things for good health, and it can also help them to focus and have energy, as they’ll be hydrated to an optimal level.

Lunchtime clubs

If you have the space to arrange some clubs or activities at lunchtime, then it can be a good thing for employee morale, as well as employee health. It could be a walking club or a running club. It could be a social activity or something to get them moving as a team. When it is on offer, then there is no excuse from employees to not join in.