Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

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5 Compliments for Coworkers

Compliments are a great way to show someone that you are happy with the work they’re doing and to build a relationship for future projects. A compliment is defined as a polite way to express admiration for someone, and it’s best when the words come from the heart.

If you’re not sure what to say, here are 5 examples of compliments to start saying this week. Remember, though, compliments are best when you give them genuinely rather than forcing it; the chances are good that the person hearing it knows the difference.

1. Thanks for Your Flexibility

When a coworker changes their workload for you or responds to a shorter deadline on time, it’s helpful for everyone involved in the project. To express your appreciation of their efforts, say, “thanks for your flexibility.”

2. Keep the Great Work Coming

A common mistake that a lot of people make is only acknowledging what’s wrong rather than what’s been done well. Don’t be a part of that negative process.

Instead, speak up when someone in the office does something well. Say it directly: “Keep the great work coming,” and it’s likely that the individual you’re saying it to will want to continue that positive path.

3. Great Enthusiasm, Thanks!

Let’s face it; not everyone is enthusiastic about their work. For those who are more cheerful than others, the chances are high that they like what they do.

Keep the motivation high for them as your teammate by pointing out you like this positive spirit. The energy is high in well-designed co-working spaces, so you’ll likely feel energized working around them.

4. Your Work Ethic is Excellent

Point out when someone shows good work ethics. If they are dependable in meeting deadlines and showing up for work on time, then the chances are that they have strong principles surrounding the workplace.

It’s important to acknowledge that not everyone is reliable, so point out to those who are that you appreciate it. When they take pride in their position, then they are more productive, and, in turn, your company will be more likely to succeed.

5. Well Done on the Presentation

Public speaking doesn’t come easy to a lot of people. So, if you see someone do well on their presentation, then acknowledge it.

Then they’re more likely to be confident the next time they must give a talk to a group. When you support them, they’re more likely to help you too, and the whole organization benefits from that.

Final Words on Complimenting Coworkers

While you might think it’s up to the supervisor to compliment employees, remember that you’re a part of the team and ought to do your part to contribute to a positive environment. Providing supportive words is a way to do so, and you can start speaking up today with compliments that are genuine and direct.

While you might not realize it, your actions can impact the happiness of those around you, inside and outside of the workplace. Help create a company culture that is uplifting, caring, and helpful. The five examples above are great places to start making a difference.

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