Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

4 Ways to Fix Your Credit Score

white and blue magnetic card

Your credit score is something tied to your name and will follow you throughout your life. It can impact how much lenders will trust you to borrow money, and determine whether they believe it is a good idea to accept your offer on a home, allow you to buy a car, or even get a phone contract.

Many people suffer from bad credit, whether due to a lack of a credit score if they are young or because of frivolous spending without paying off their credit card balance. This can severely hinder what they can do, so it’s essential to find ways to fix your credit score. 

Check Your Report Often 

Everybody gets one free credit report each from each of the Credit Score companies such as Experian. However, some companies can provide year-round reports for nothing. While they may not be as accurate as the more established organizations, such as Experian, it can give you a decent idea of your credit rating. By being able to regularly monitor your report, you can take action to fix any problems, especially if you come across errors or old reports that have since been paid off and fixed. 

Increase Your Credit Limit

Increasing your credit limit may not sound like a good idea, especially if you’re trying to reduce your spending and pay off your existing balance. However, when you increase your credit limit, you give yourself more flexibility. You minimize the risk of exceeding your current limit, which could have severe ramifications for your credit score. As long as you don’t take this increased limit as an excuse to spend, spend, spend, you can feel more comfortable with your financial position, and maybe even see an improvement in your credit score. 

Debt to Success Systems 

If you’ve never heard of a Debt to Success System, you might feel it’s too good to be true. However, this is not the case. The system works to provide debt relief in California and other areas and gives people the freedom from bank charges that are holding them back. With a DTTS, you can accelerate your debt payments and become debt-free faster, and you can also start to build a new credit profile, which is more appealing than your previous one. 

Buy Small and Pay Often

Many people will tell you to avoid credit cards, telling you it’s another way for banks to steal your money through interest rates and account fees. While they might have a point, if you only use your credit card for small regular purchases and pay them off often, you can boost your credit score with little effort. Use your credit cards for chargers you would need to buy anyway, rather than treats to yourself, such as your phone bill, weekly grocery shop, or to fill up your car. 

Fixing Your Finances

Fixing your finances is not something that will happen overnight. It can take time, dedication, and discipline. You don’t need to do it alone, though, and this can make everything more manageable.