Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

4 Tips For Making It Through a Tough Financial Patch

Going through financial difficulties

The fact of the matter is that everyone goes through tough financial spots from time to time. The secret is trying to make it through despite the challenges you’re faced with. Even though it might feel like there’s no end in sight, the great news is that bad things always come to an end eventually. 

The best thing you can do is give yourself the right tools to handle the situation as best as possible while trying to focus on the positive. Whether you’re avoiding foreclosure or you can’t even afford to go grocery shopping, here are some of the best tips for making it through to the other side. 

Create a Budget 

One of the biggest reasons why financial rough patches are so frustrating is because you feel totally out of control.   one of the best ways to ease your worries and make yourself feel in control is to create a budget

A budget helps you work with the exact amount of money that you have without overspending in certain areas. Identify what all of your expenses are for the month and exactly the amount that you need. Once you know exactly how much you need to be able to pay for your necessities, you can start moving towards taking action. 

Contact Your Lenders 

In some cases, if you aren’t able to pay your bills at all, you may want to consider contacting your lender directly. More often than not, they are usually happy to work with you and set up a payment plan. Explaining your situation rather than not paying and saying nothing will usually work in your favor. 

Always “Balance Your Checkbook” 

A lot of people rely too heavily on their real-time online banking. However, although you may be able to see the transactions that have gone through, you may not be able to see any upcoming auto payments or checks. 

It’s important that you write down everything that’s coming in and going out of your bank account, as well as looking at your online banking. Having the most amount of visibility possible of your finances helps you stay in control. 

Start A Savings Account 

Even though you may not be able to put savings aside right now, it’s important that you make it a goal to start saving as soon as you’re in a better financial place. Having emergency savings put aside means that should emergencies ever arise, you have the funds to be able to cover it. 

Whether your car breaks down or you experience sudden job loss, an emergency fund gives you the peace of mind knowing that you’ll be taken care of.