Alain Guillot

Life, Leadership, and Money Matters

4 Methods to Changing Your “Money Mindset”

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It’s something that everybody wants to do effortlessly. When you are starting on the journey of saving money, you may find it a bigger mountain to climb than you had originally thought. Ultimately, the goal is simple. However, the method of getting there always requires a significant amount of soul-searching. Because we believe that we have a certain amount of money to play with because of what we earn, we only have a limited amount to put away every month. For those people that struggle to save money, the notion underpinning it is not necessarily about the amount of money you have, but it’s about your mindset. Change your mindset, and you will find it easier. But what other ways to change your mindset and attitudes towards money?

Get Help (Because It Is out There)

Many people believe that when it comes to saving money but it’s about focusing on our own limitations. But when we struggle to save money or we can’t understand why we are so in the hole, this can start to make us feel somewhat helpless. But help comes in many different shapes and forms when it comes to financial support. Whether you are looking for help to minimize credit card debt, or you are at the end of your tether and you’re wondering if bankruptcy is a way to reset your life, a debt specialist or a chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney can help to get you started on this journey. When we look to change our money mindset. we have to learn the importance of asking for and receiving help. Some people believe that asking for help is a sign of weakness. If you really want to change your attitude towards money, there are a lot of resources out there.

Work as a Team

Whether it’s with your partner or with a friend, when you start to share your financial issues with someone else, it can help you to realize your mistakes. When you are in a partnership, it’s a fantastic way to help you achieve your goals. Much like when you are on a diet, having someone else that is accountable for you and you for them provides that additional motivation. In a relationship or a marriage, there are so many things that couples need to do to overcome financial hurdles. And as money is one of the biggest threats to a marriage, you need to prioritize how you tackle financial issues. You have to remember that it’s not about individual bank accounts. Whether you are looking to buy a house or make an essential purchase, the powers that be will always consider your finances as one pot when you are married. You have to work as a team in order to overcome financial hurdles. This means looking at your lifestyle as individuals and as a collective. Because money is such an overriding factor in a relationship, it can slowly start to tear a couple apart. By working as a team, you are strengthening your bond, as well as your finances.

Believe You Can Get Out of Debt (Because You Can)

Focusing your money mindset is about altering your thinking patterns. Because we can struggle with our limiting self-beliefs, this means we will never escape our debt. Debt is a frame of mind. Of course, there are concerns when it comes to financial pressures, and we can all feel worried that we’re not able to pay the bills despite our bank balance looking okay. With the rising costs of living, we gradually begin to feel overwhelmed by all sorts of expenses. By learning how to fix your mindset and attitude towards money, it can help you to avoid feeling that pressure of debt. Regardless of how good or bad our bank balance is, when we feel that we are in debt, it colors our entire life. It is so important to have self-belief, as this is what will make us truly rich. When we believe that we have crippling debts, it’s not necessarily about the fact that we are not earning enough. We have to make sure that our thoughts align with our earnings. And this is the key to changing our money mindset. When you start to believe that you can get out of debt, this gives you motivation to truly escape it once and for all. For so many people, it’s about incorporating a plan. If we believe that we will never get out of debt, it’s because there is nothing in place. There are so many different ways for you to plan your escape from debt, but the most important thing is for you to stick at it.

Learn to Be Happy With What You Have

You may believe that in order to be happy, you’ve got to earn a certain amount. This is a very dangerous mindset to have. When you feel the pressure to keep up with the Joneses, you will struggle to maintain a certain lifestyle, and this will only serve to make us feel worse, as it is yet another pressure that we are piling upon ourselves. It’s far better for us to look at what we are capable of doing with our finances. And when we have acquired a certain lifestyle, looking at what we’ve got and being happy with what we have is far more nourishing for our mindset. We live in an age where we need to get more things, perhaps we have children that have letters to Santa that get longer with every year. But when we continue to set the bar higher, this will stress us out. Instead, it can be beneficial to go in the other direction. If you are someone that likes “stuff,” take a look around and decide if you really need most of this. A very popular trend at the moment is embracing a minimalist lifestyle. This is not about having nothing, but it’s about a set of attitudes that help you to make the most of what you have. Learning to embrace a minimalist mindset is not easy when you have lots of stuff. But by paring things back and learning to live with less, it makes you appreciate what you have but also you will, naturally, have more money. It’s a very simple equation in many ways, but we believe that we need more money to live a certain lifestyle. But by changing our lifestyle and focusing on having fewer things, we focus on quality rather than quantity.

When we are looking to build wealth or attain some sense of financial success, mindset is pivotal to our goal. You may want to save for retirement or you may feel you need more things, but when you are accustomed to a certain way of life, you don’t want to change the way you are. But a mindset is the most important thing that we can learn to achieve our financial goals. When we change our attitudes towards money and what it can do for us, we may uncover a few home truths. Because most people equate money with happiness, making a few simple alterations to how you think about money can help you get to your desired outcome. Changing your mindset, either by getting help, working with someone to motivate you, or changing your belief on a psychological level, can result in so many positive outcomes that you may believe that once you hit a certain financial goal that you are necessarily happier now because you’ve got a certain amount of money. But perhaps you may realize that you were happier with less.